The Big Brother 23 cast will take part in its second Veto Competition of the summer on Saturday, July 17. It’s going to be an extremely important challenge for one of the players, especially since they have become a big target for eviction.
On Friday, Head of Household Kyland Young nominated Frenchie and Britini D’Angelo for eviction. Frenchie had placed Kyland on the block in Week 1, so this seemed like a forgone conclusion as soon as Kyland won the HOH Competition.
As for why Britniti got nominated for eviction, it came down to her not suggesting that Kyland goes after Frenchie. Nearly everyone else on the cast was telling Kyland to put Frenchie on the block, but when Britini didn’t do that, Kyland became paranoid that she was working with him.
On Saturday morning, three new people were selected to play for the Power of Veto this week. All six of them will play in the Week 2 Veto Competition later on Saturday, with the winner then hosting the Veto Ceremony on Monday (July 19).
We have some Wildcard Competition spoilers, but it won’t impact how the Veto Competition plays out. In fact, it won’t impact much of anything during Week 2.
Who is playing for the Power of Veto?
Kyland (the HOH), Frenchie (one nominee), and Britini (the other nominee) took part in selecting three additional people to play in the Week 2 Veto Competition. Those people are Claire Rehfuss, Alyssa Lopez, and Derek Xiao. Tiffany Mitchell will be serving as the host.
Frenchie is in trouble with the Big Brother 23 cast
There is a lot on the line for Frenchie because if he doesn’t end up with the Veto Necklace then he is likely getting voted out of the house at the next Eviction Ceremony. That should lead to a really exciting Veto Competition, even though Frenchie is trying to pretend that he doesn’t care about it on the Big Brother live feeds.
Frenchie is very convinced that America is cheering for him to win this season, but when he did things like calling the rest of the BB23 cast stupid, he started to lose some supporters. And that was after he had stated he wouldn’t nominate any women or people of color.
Frenchie might be in for a bit of surprise when he gets home and sees what people thought about him, but he still has a chance to save himself by winning the Power of Veto and then mending some bridges. Can he do it? Stay tuned!
Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS
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