The Big Brother 24 alliances are really starting to take shape, even though a lot of the early-season combinations typically end up shifting in a big way after the first Eviction Ceremony.
As a reminder, on the first episode of Big Brother 24, Daniel Durston became the Head of Household. He holds important power during Week 1 and will soon be nominating two people for eviction.
Joe “Pooch” Pucciarelli also became the Backstage Boss, making him safe for all of Week 1 and giving him a chance to form alliances and strategize without the risk of going up on the block.
Pooch gave Alyssa Snider, Brittany Hoopes, and Paloma Aguilar a Backstage Pass, meaning they have to sit out the week and possibly be at risk at the Eviction Ceremony. Currently, America’s Vote can save one of the women.
Important Big Brother 24 alliances
On Day 1, the Have-Nots and the first BB24 final two deal surfaced on the live feeds. That’s where it was revealed that Alyssa and Paloma decided to work with each other to the very end.
Another important alliance formed between Matt Turner, Daniel, and Pooch. This is one that some fans have taken to calling Turner and Pooch on the live feed chats and social media.
Paloma, Alyssa, Monte Taylor, Ameerah Jones, Kyle Capener, and Pooch have also formed a six-person alliance that has people spread around the Big Brother house. If it is an alliance that these houseguests can keep together, it could become potent.
The only problem is that Ameerah isn’t sold on it, so there are early cracks that could form based on how the rest of Week 1 goes.
The Big-Brother 24 all-girls alliance
Six of the women within the BB24 cast have made an agreement on an “all-girls” alliance that they hope can succeed. It’s a familiar story within the Big Brother house, where the women agree to work together but eventually turn on each other. Can this one last longer than past all-girl alliances?
The six women in the alliance are Paloma, Alyssa, Ameerah, Indy Santos, Brittany, and Jasmine Davis. The people left out were Taylor Hale and Nicole Layog.
As for the target of the all-girls alliance, it appears to be Taylor, who they can’t seem to stop talking about. It’s going to make for a good segment on an upcoming episode of Big Brother 24 where the all-girls alliance is shown to be already targeting a girl.
Yes, this could get very messy. Very messy indeed.
In addition to these bigger BB24 alliances, a lot of smaller ones also seem to be forming. They include a trio of Turner, Brittany, and Michael Bruner; a quartet of Monte, Kyle, Paloma, and Alyssa; and a possible all-guys alliance that includes Pooch, Daniel, Kyle, Turner, and Joseph Abdin. That guys alliance could also include one or two women.
Things will continue evolving within the Big Brother 24 cast, and alliances will definitely shift, but there have already been a lot of chats that should make it to the episodes. Along those lines, here is the upcoming Big Brother 2022 TV schedule.
Big Brother 24, Episode 2 airs on Sunday, July 10 at 8/7c on CBS.
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