A Big Brother 24 live move-in is being advertised as part of the first episode of the summer. It’s going to be a big night, with the BB24 cast getting introduced to the CBS audience.
It has been reported that the BB24 cast has been finalized, meaning producers have their list of future houseguests ready to go. It also means that it won’t be long until CBS releases its cast photos to the public.
The first episode of Big Brother 2022 will air on Wednesday, July 6. It’s going to be a 90-minute premiere immediately followed by the first episode of The Challenge USA. This new version of The Challenge will include several Big Brother alums.
How will the live Big Brother 24 move-in work?
If everything goes to plan, when viewers tune in on July 6 they will be greeted by host Julie Chen Moonves. She will then start introducing the houseguests in groups, and the producers will run packages filmed of those people introducing themselves from their hometowns.
If the format stays the same, Julie will then begin letting groups of people into the Big Brother house for the first time. They will get to start claiming beds, and it’s also possible that they will begin competing in the first Head of Household Challenge of the season.
Should the challenge not get started right away, then Julie will usher in all of the remaining houseguests in groups. This is typically done four or eight people at a time, and they begin chatting with each other and getting familiar with the layout of the house.
Before the end of the first episode, we should see the first Big Brother 24 Head of Household get crowned. It will set up a lot of excitement about who that person might target and who they might try to align with before the night comes to a close.
Big Brother fans will rush to the live feeds
The Big Brother live feeds will also be turned on following the West Coast airing of the season premiere. This means that viewers are likely to miss a few hours of gameplay, as there will be a three-hour time difference between the East Coast episode ending and the feeds actually getting turned on.
A lot could happen on the season premiere, but it’s great news that there will be a live move-in for the Big Brother 24 cast. We will all get to see as the alliances start forming and just who might end up targeted for eviction on Day 1. From there, it’s off to the races, with that first HOH working hard to secure safety in Week 2.
Last season, Brandon French (the first HOH) was sent home in Week 2 after playing the game too hard. Will the first HOH for this new season have learned a lesson from that? We shall see!
Below is an older Big Brother house tour for fans who want to take a look back.
Stay tuned, everyone, because there is a lot of excitement to come. The BB24 cast will be all-new people, and there are some new twists and turns that are being teased by the producers.
Big Brother 24 debuts July 6 on CBS.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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