Big Brother 24 spoilers from the Week 9 Veto Meeting have become available on the live feeds.
Again, Michael Bruner is the Head of Household this week, giving him safety and a guaranteed spot in the final six.
There could be some trouble ahead for Michael, though, with a target on his back for the Double Eviction night.
As HOH, Michael nominated Terrance Higgins and Alyssa Snider for eviction. It was the expected result based on who else is a part of the final seven of the BB24 cast.
Then, Michael won the Power of Veto again. Michael got to host a Veto Meeting for the sixth time this season, and it’s clear that the other houseguests are pretty tired of his success.
On the live feeds, Terrance told Michael he was going to taint the BB24 jury now, as Terrance became angry that Michael nominated him.
Week 9 Veto Meeting results for Big Brother 24
Michael hosted the latest Veto Meeting on Monday morning (September 5), where he had the opportunity to shake things up or to keep his nominations the same.
The Power of Veto was not used, so it will be either Terrance Higgins or Alyssa Snider who gets evicted next. Michael has stated that he wants it to be Terrance, and there isn’t really a reason to expect the voters to save Terrance.
Some more notes from Big Brother 24
In other conversations he has had, Terrance said he would not vote for Michael to win, no matter who might be sitting next to him in the final two. Terrance continues to be upset that Michael nominated him in Week 9, but it’s unclear why he thought it would go differently.
Things are starting to get tense among the final seven houseguests as people scramble to have primary alliances and backup plans. It will be tricky for any of them to make it to the final two, and people are getting worried about building their personal resumes while Michael keeps winning nearly every challenge he competes in.
A two-hour installment is coming up later this week, and here is a breakdown of how that Double Eviction episode will work. It should be an interesting episode, especially since we know Michael cannot play in the HOH Competition.
With two people getting sent to the BB24 jury house as a result of the September 8 episode, there will be just five houseguests left competing for that $750,000 prize.
Big Brother 24 airs on CBS during Summer 2022.
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Was Michael set up to win? How was he able to win so many HoH and Veto competitions and I might add I can’t believe how everyone else did not see the wolf coming in the back door. Someone should have realized that Michael was the threat when he won at least 3 or more and he should have been voted out earlier.