
Big Brother 24 spoilers: Week 5 nominees revealed

Alyssa On BB24 Ep
Alyssa Snider appears pretty safe for Week 5 on Big Brother 24. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 24 spoilers coming from the live feeds have revealed who the new Head of Household nominated for eviction.

While the eviction of Nicole Layog is still fresh in the air, the game went on for the final 12 members of the BB24 cast.

Unfortunately for CBS viewers, the name of the new HOH wasn’t revealed during the August 4 episode. Instead, the challenge was played out later in the evening.

When the Big Brother live feeds got turned back on, we learned that Michael Bruner is the new HOH. He won an important challenge where he barely beat out Daniel Durston for the power.

Daniel was acting very bitter after Nicole got evicted, likely because he was feeling a lot of guilt due to the role that he played in her eviction. The Leftovers tried to get him to not use the Power of Veto, which could have saved Nicole from being on the block.

After Daniel insisted that Taylor Hale needed to go up on the block, it meant that Nicole would be sitting right next to her at the Eviction Ceremony. And then nearly everyone in the house sent Nicole out in order to be on the right side of the vote.

Who did Michael Bruner nominate for eviction?

Michael nominated Joseph Abdin, Monte Taylor, and Terrance Higgins for eviction. The trio of Besties are only on the block as pawns, with Michael keen on getting Daniel out of the game. If Daniel wins the Power of Veto, it would then be Terrance going home.

What’s coming up next on Big Brother 24?

An important Veto Competition takes place on Saturday (August 6), where Daniel’s fate will ultimately be decided. He needs to be in the Veto Competition and hope that he can find a way to win the power, despite being partnered with someone who wants to throw it (Kyle Capener).

The next person who gets evicted is also going to be the final member of the BB24 cast who gets sent home before the jury starts forming. Everyone in the Big Brother house knows this, so the pressure is on to survive and get that extra money for playing the game this summer.

It will be very interesting to see how much longer the Besties twist controls Big Brother 24, and at what point The Leftovers will have to splinter off as people start looking toward the end game.

Big Brother 24 airs Sundays at 8/7c, Wednesdays at 8/7c, and Thursdays at 9/8c on CBS.

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