
Big Brother 25 alliance formed already

Luke BB25
Former player Luke Valentine started out as part of the Big Brother Summer 2023 cast. Pic credit: Sonja Flemming/CBS

The Big Brother live feeds have already revealed an intriguing alliance.

Big Brother 25 aired its premiere episode on August 2, introducing the world to the new houseguests.

Later that evening, the live feeds got turned on to reveal many of the houseguests chatting.

While hanging out in the gym, five people were conspiring to create a Day One alliance, and they even decided on a name.

As seen in Episode 1, 17 houseguests are playing Big Brother 25.

The 90-minute premiere is now available for streaming on Paramount+.

In addition to Paramount+, a new free way to stream the Big Brother live feeds has arrived this summer.

A Day One Alliance on Big Brother 25

The Phalanx Five has been formed.

Luke Valentine, Reilly Smedley, Matt Klotz, Jared Fields, and Kirsten Elwin formed a five-person alliance after a conversation in the gym.

Kirsten wasn’t sure about the alliance name, but Luke insisted it was not “nerdy.”

After the quintet agreed to their alliance name, they put their hands in and performed a cheer before some people started splintering off.

Is this an alliance that will last? Many alliances form early in the game, but sometimes the secret ones can last longer. Only time will tell with this one, but the Phalanx Five created a made-for-TV moment in the gym.

Several still images from the live feeds are shared below – featuring the quintet making things official.

Big Brother 25 updates

There are now 17 people playing Big Brother after Cirie Fields joined the cast.

She suddenly appeared in the kitchen at the end of the first episode and now shares the house with her son and 15 other competitors.

Cirie is the mom of Jared Fields, and they acted like they didn’t know each other at the end of the debut episode.

The first Head of Household Competition will take place soon, giving someone power and safety as they navigate the first week. How that plays out will be featured in the next episode.

Big Brother 25 will air on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

The second episode debuts on August 6 at 8/7c.

And the first Eviction Ceremony is scheduled for Thursday, August 10.

Many twists and turns are expected to happen before then, including the Veto Competition and Veto Ceremony.

To catch up on previous episodes of Big Brother 25, everything will be available for streaming on Paramount+.

Big Brother 25 airs Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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Martha Baptiste
Martha Baptiste
1 year ago

This is going to be a great season…. I can feel it!