
Big Brother 25 spoilers: A look at votes for third BB25 juror

Cirie BB25 Bedroom 2
Cirie Fields is trying to control the votes on Big Brother 25. Pic credit: CBS

The Big Brother 25 house has been a mess during a week when chaos wasn’t necessary.

Jag Bains has had complete control of Week 12 on BB25.

He won the HOH Competition, named the nominees, picked a target, and even won the Power of Veto.

Jag kept control in his hands, and he was able to decide the third member of the BB25 jury.

Blue Kim was and is Jag’s target. That plan hasn’t changed over the past two weeks.

The problem was that Jag kept Blue in the dark. Even after the Veto Meeting as the house unraveled.

Houseguests winding up for the Big Brother eviction vote

Blue Kim is joining Cameron Hardin and Cory Wurtenberger in the jury house.

Bowie Jane and Matt Klotz are voting against Blue, and Jag has the tiebreaker vote as the HOH.

Much talk about a split vote surfaced on the live feeds, including Cirie trying to blame it on Felicia.

Felicia turned on Cirie ahead of the Veto Meeting, mostly because she was nervous about becoming a replacement nominee.

But even after the Veto Meeting, Felicia continued pushing the narrative that nobody else in the house could trust Cirie.

While Felicia has made up some of the information, at the core of that intel is the truth that Cirie is playing all of them.

And Cirie was also displeased that Blue had been kept in the dark about getting voted out. Cirie wanted to keep Blue in the house but didn’t see a path where that was possible.

The third jury member has been selected for Big Brother 25

Felicia chatted with Jag on Wednesday about telling Blue she was getting evicted.

Rather than tell her that information, it was decided that Felicia could support Blue in the eviction vote.

That entails Felicia voting against America and creating a 3-1 eviction vote against Blue.

It’s still possible that Cirie could also vote against America, shifting it to a 2-2 vote that forces Jag to take action.

If Felicia and Cirie voted to keep Blue, they could earn her vote on the BB25 jury. And if Jag is the one who votes out Blue, she is going to remember it when finale night comes around.

Since this cast often talks about things that never happen, don’t be surprised if everyone settles down and unanimously votes out Blue.

The Big Brother 25 finale quickly approaches, with only two weeks until the jury awards its $750,000 prize.

Julie Chen Moonves will announce America’s Favorite Houseguest on that final night.

America Lopez has been extremely popular in fan polls lately. Could she sneak in there and get named AFH?

Here is the TV schedule for the final weeks of BB25.

Big Brother 25 airs Sunday at 10/9, Tuesday at 8/7c, and Thursday at 9/8c on CBS.

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