
Big Brother 25 spoilers: Did Matt just turn on Jag?

Matt In BB25 House
Matt Klotz was a fan favorite on the Big Brother 25 cast. Pic credit: CBS

The Big Brother live feeds yielded some interesting spoilers this week.

It began after the Veto Meeting, which set the final eviction targets.

Jag Bains has been Head of Household again this week, guaranteeing him a spot in the final six.

He nominated America Lopez and Blue Kim for eviction.

Jag then won the Power of Veto as well. At his Veto Meeting, Jag chose to keep the nominations the same.

With the nominees set as Blue and America, Matt Klotz felt safe to have an eye-opening conversation with Cirie Fields.

Is Matt Klotz turning on Jag Bains?

After Cory Wurtenberger got evicted, the duo he had with America ended. That left Jag and Matt as the only true duo in the game.

But Jag has been carrying the partnership as he racked up numerous competition victories. It may have rattled Matt as he thinks about his game.

Matt had an intense conversation with Cirie on the Big Brother live feeds. During the chat, Matt spoke about having to take a shot at Jag.

He clarified that he didn’t want to take a shot at Jag during the Double Eviction. Then he told Cirie that Jag had mentioned going after her.

Matt also expressed concern about getting left on the block if Jag won the next Power of Veto. The other houseguests might indeed vote out Matt if they get that shot.

So, was Matt trying to cover himself here and make it look like he would go after Jag? Or was he setting the stage to go to the end with Cirie, someone he thinks he can beat?

The video below shows Matt and Cirie discussing going after Jag when they reach the final four.

Felicia shares the Matt (betrayal?) with Jag

Felicia Cannon has been burning bridges left and right in the Big Brother house.

This past weekend, Felicia turned on Cirie and aired their secrets.

At first, Felicia feared getting blindsided at the Veto Meeting. She considers herself to be a big target in the game.

Now Felicia is trying to become a final two partner with Jag, but she has to clear the way first.

Felicia woke up Jag to tell him what she had learned from Cirie: That Matt had talked about getting him out.

This was a shocking revelation to Jag, but he had to see it coming with how many challenges he had won over the past few weeks.

The drama sets the stage for some moves and excitement during the upcoming Double Eviction episode.

More from Big Brother

Fans got an answer about whether or not Cirie’s chip is in the veto bag.

And Cameron Hardin answered a question from the BB25 jury house.

The Big Brother 2023 season is winding down quickly, with only two weeks remaining until finale night.

Here is the TV schedule for the final weeks of BB25.

Big Brother 25 airs Sunday at 10/9, Tuesday at 8/7c, and Thursday at 9/8c on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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