Big Brother 25 is now in Week 13.
Two more people were sent to the jury house during a Double Eviction.
Late that same night, the houseguests played in a new HOH Competition.
Jag Bains, Matt Klotz, Cirie Fields, and Felicia Cannon battled for the power.
Bowie Jane had to sit out after serving as the HOH for a few hours.
Bowie Jane did have a successful HOH reign, as she got America Lopez evicted.
A new HOH in charge
Matt Klotz won the latest HOH Competition.
This is the first time Matt has been HOH this season.
As part of his HOH basket, Matt got a letter from Reilly Smedley. It was a nice treat for Matt, and Reilly revealed how she felt about him.
Reilly also spent some time with Matt’s mom, so he has a picture in his HOH Room of the duo.
Getting that letter has given Matt a boost of energy that could help him finish the season.
New Head of Household Hosts Nomination Ceremony
Matt had discussions with the other houseguests before he settled on his nominees.
Ahead of the Nomination Ceremony, Cirie Fields pushed hard to stay off the block.
Cirie even noted that Matt had said he would never nominate her and that Reilly was watching his moves.
Matt nominated Cirie Fields and Felicia Cannon for eviction.
Everyone gets to play in the Veto Competition that happens on Saturday. And the POV winner holds lots of power this week.
Is Matt content with his nominees and making it to the final three with Jag and Bowie Jane? Or could he take a shot at Jag if the situation presents itself? Stay tuned!
More Big Brother news
America went after Bowie Jane in a new exit interview. Bowie Jane may not get a wedding invitation if America and Cory Wurtenberger go all the way.
Blue Kim claims Felicia is the best Big Brother player on the BB25 cast. Blue made many glowing remarks about Felicia during her new exit interviews.
A segment featuring the first four jury members will happen during the November 2 episode. Fans will see Cameron Hardin again as Cory, Blue, and America join him.
There is also a special eviction episode on the Big Brother schedule. That’s where the cast will go from four people down to a final three. And it’s not on a Thursday.
Big Brother 25 airs Sunday at 10/9, Tuesday at 8/7c, and Thursday at 9/8c on CBS.
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