Big Brother 25 spoilers have surfaced on the live feeds about the Double Eviction.
A Double Eviction is set for the September 21 episode, with two members of the BB25 cast going home.
Plans are already set for the first eviction, with a unanimous vote likely happening again.
After that, the episode will get interesting as the houseguests play out a week of Big Brother in an hour.
The houseguests have chatted about what comes next because the first eviction vote was set so far in advance.
Each person has stated who they would target if they win the HOH Competition on September 21.
Who are the targets for the second eviction on the new Big Brother episode?
Many houseguests have stated they want to nominate Cirie Fields and Jared Fields if they become the next HOH.
Cory Wurtenberger, America Lopez, Jag Bains, and Matt Klotz have each said this. The quartet also wants Jared out first.
Blue Kim and Felicia Cannon want to evict Cirie Fields. This will be a shocking revelation to some fans, but it stems from the Felicia vs. Cirie war happening in the house.
Since she is still in a relationship with Jared, Blue might not put them up. She may just be talking big to most of the house.
Bowie Jane and Mecole Hayes have also stated they would nominate Jared and Cirie, but this duo hasn’t shown a willingness to put themselves in power yet.
Early Wednesday morning (September 20), Blue told Matt she would not nominate Jared or Cirie if she won HOH. She may have been lying since Matt cannot keep a secret.
Cirie is also very confident that she can win HOH and save her son. Cirie wants to break up the showmance and would put America and Cory on the block again.
If Cirie and Jared are on the block together, the house may have a split vote. The majority wants to evict Jared first, but anything could happen in a rushed Double Eviction episode.
And since nights like this can be very stressful, it’s also possible that Mecole and Felicia waffle from what they have stated and go back to working with Jared and Cirie when the pressure arrives.
Fans should expect several houseguests to throw this HOH Competition because they don’t want to be the ones to take a shot at Jared and Cirie. And Cirie is pushing for people to let her become HOH.
More from Big Brother
Several Big Brother alums are playing on The Traitors 2 this fall. The new season is currently being filmed in Scotland.
For fans who have not been watching the live feeds, Cirie almost quit Big Brother in Week 7.
Jared kept his mom from leaving the game. But it led to a backlash on social media.
In a twist, a Big Brother legend came to the defense of Cirie’s actions.
It’s also noteworthy that episode days and times have to shift for the Fall 2023 TV schedule.
Here is the updated BB25 TV schedule at CBS.
Big Brother 25 airs on CBS.
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If Cirie gets hoh tonight it will be rigged and also all the wimps in the house deserve to be gone. They are there to win a game not play for other people. None of Them can think for themselves and getting Cam out is a mistake they have to live with when things go downhill!!
Not a Cirie and Jared fan at all.
I pray their will be a twist so Cam stays