The Big Brother 26 cast was revealed, and their pre-show interviews were given.
One of the questions each houseguest is typically asked is who they will model their games after.
The answers to that question can sometimes reveal whether a new houseguest is a Big Brother fan.
Sometimes, when people state who they most identify with, it also teases how they will play the game.
Here’s a link to the BB26 cast list for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet. This summer, 16 new players are competing for a $750,000 prize.
One of those players is a former undercover cop.
Who does each Big Brother 26 houseguest most identify with?
Below is the list of BB26 houseguests and who they named when asked to reveal which former player they most identify with. And remember, they didn’t have to be honest with their answers.
- Angela “Angie” Murray: Janelle Pierzina (BB6, BB7, BB14, and BB22), Jung Song (BB4 winner), Cody Calafiore (BB16 and BB22 winner), and Nicole Franzel (BB16, BB18 winner, and BB22).
- Brooklyn Rivera: Tyler Crispen from BB20 and BB22.
- Cam Sullivan-Brown: Jared Fields from BB25.
- Cedric Hodges: Cody Calafiore (BB16 and BB22 winner) and Derek Xiao (BB23).
- Chelsie Baham: Da’Vonne Rogers from BB17, BB18, and BB22
- Joseph Rodriguez: Da’Vonne Rogers from BB17, BB18, and BB22.
- Kenney Kelley: Sam Smith from BB21.
- Kimo Apaka: Dan Gheesling (BB10 winner and BB14), Jun Song (BB4 winner), Da’Vonne Rogers (BB17, BB18, and BB22), and BB15 winner Andy Herren.
- Leah Peters: Britney Haynes (BB12 and BB14) and Liz Nolan (BB17).
- Lisa Weintraub: Big Brother 13 winner Rachel Reilly.
- Makensy Manbeck: Angela Rummans from Big Brother 20.
- Matt Hardeman: Big Brother 20 winner Kaycee Clark.
- Quinn Martin: Jason Guy from Big Brother 3.
- Rubina Bernabe: Frankie Grande from BB16.
- T’kor Clottey: Cirie Fields from BB25.
- Tucker Des Lauriers: Dan Gheesling (BB10 and BB14) and Brett Robinson (BB20).
The video below features the BB26 houseguests explaining their choices in depth.
More tidbits from Big Brother 26
The first episode of Big Brother 26 debuts on Wednesday, July 17. It is quickly followed by Episode 2 on Thursday, July 18.
This two-day premiere will introduce the players to the CBS audience and reveal the first big twists of the summer.
It was teased that the BB26 cast gets to decide on a 17th houseguest, presenting some interesting drama during the first few episodes.
Here’s a breakdown of changes to the Big Brother Live Feeds. Some major changes have led to some upset fans.
Below is a “sweet surprise” that the production team revealed to give the BB26 cast some additional screen time.
All previous seasons of Big Brother are streaming on Paramount+, including the seasons featuring all the former players listed above.
Big Brother 26 airs on Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 9/8c on CBS.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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