
Big Brother 26 recap: A target revealed, an important Power of Veto, and final nominees set

Quinn Shocked BB26
Quinn Martin was a phantom target during Week 5 of Big Brother 26. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 26 returned with the veto episode on Wednesday night.

Tucker Des Lauriers became the Week 5 Head of Household and was gearing up to make big moves.

Tucker won the Wall Comp to get that power, but the Endurance Challenge was short.

Many of Tucker’s decisions for the week were based on what happened to Rubina Bernabe the previous week.

Brooklyn Rivera tried to convince Rubina and Tucker that Rubina was heading home with no chance at safety.

Tucker ended up nominating Brooklyn, Cam-Sullivan-Brown, and Quinn Martin. He also hinted to the house that Quinn was his target. But Tucker told Quinn he was only a pawn.

Big Brother 26, Episode 16 recap: Tucker takes over

Three Pentagon alliance members were on the block.

Some interesting reactions came after the Nomination Ceremony.

Tucker spoke about his nomination choices and how he was sure that everyone expected him to take out Quinn. But he wanted to take out Brooklyn.

Quinn spoke in a Diary Room session about not trusting Tucker, despite knowing the plan. He planned to win the Power of Veto.

T’Kor Clottey noted it was “a step in the right direction” for her game to see three more Pentagon members nominated.

Brooklyn knew she was in trouble after being one of the people who tried to save Cedric Hodges. She blamed everyone else for being on the block and planned to target them later.

Tucker was shown lying to Cam and Brooklyn about Quinn being his target. He wanted them to phone in the Veto Competition.

Chelsie Baham felt she was also in trouble, knowing she could become a replacement nominee if one of the other three Pentagon members won the Veto Competition.

Kimo Apaka outed his alliances to Tucker, confirming the Pentagon and also revealing Brooklyn had another group working against Tucker and Rubina.

Quinn couldn’t keep his secret. He told Brooklyn what Tucker had told him about being a pawn.

A segment was also shown of Brooklyn eating the food Angela got while being HOH.

An important Week 5 Veto Competition on Big Brother 26

Makensy Manbeck and Joseph Rodriguez were selected to play in the Veto Competition. They joined Tucker, Quinn, Cam, and Brooklyn.

Hide-N-Go Veto was on the docket for the six players. The players were tasked with hiding their game pieces in the house. The players then took turns trying to find the Memory Cards.

If someone’s card was found, they were eliminated. It was a challenge with chaos involved, as houseguests typically tear apart the house to find the cards.

Joseph talked about not messing up the house when he went. And then Brooklyn destroyed most of the house as she searched.

Quinn was the first one to find a Memory Card. Cam also found one on his turn. So did Tucker. They were making it look too easy.

Brooklyn destroyed the house even more on her turn, tossing people’s clothes left and right. She did find a card, though.

When Tucker searched again he became upset that his clothes had been thrown around. Makensy and Joseph were also frustrated that clothes and garbage were everywhere.

Chelsie was the Veto Competition host and revealed the results once five cards were found.

Quinn found Brooklyn’s card, Cam found Quinn’s card, Tucker found Makeny’s card, Brooklyn found Cam’s card, and Cam found Joseph’s card.

Tucker won another Veto Competition.

When everyone was back in the house, Tucker was spiraling about people throwing his clothes on the ground. He first went after Quinn.

Veto Meeting sets the final nominees for Big Brother 26 Week 5

Tucker hosted a volatile Veto Meeting where he aired out every secret he had learned, including the majority alliance members.

Tucker then saved Quinn from the block. He named Chelsie the replacement nominee.

Brooklyn, Cam, and Chelsie are the final Week 5 nominees on Big Brother 26.

More from the Big Brother house

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Recent evictee Cedric Hodges is home and having fun after BB26. He has also found support from previous winners. 

Previous episodes of Big Brother 26 are streaming on Paramount+.

Big Brother 26 airs on CBS during Summer 2024.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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