
Big Brother 26 spoilers: Update from the Live Feeds reveals Endurance Challenge and a new HOH with a plan

Julie Chen Red Dress BB25
Julie Chen Moonves will return to host Week 9 of Big Brother 26. Pic credit: Sonja Flemming/CBS

Big Brother 26 spoilers from the Live Feeds pick up following the eviction of Quinn Martin.

It was shocking for Quinn, as several houseguests had convinced him he was safe.

Some terrible jury management happened in the Big Brother house, especially since they had already decided to send Quinn to the jury house.

That’s a story for another day, while Quinn thinks about it in the jury house for the rest of the season.

The houseguests returned to playing the game late Thursday night (September 12), with the power up for grabs again.

An Endurance Challenge happened while the Live Feeds were down for more than 10 hours after the eviction episode ended.

Live Feed spoilers from the Big Brother house

Everyone was in the backyard when the Live Feeds finally returned Friday morning.

It appeared like a party had taken place, and the houseguests were living outside now.

One houseguest alluded to them being outside for the next seven days. Everyone had their bags with them and a cot to sleep on.

It’s a similar setup to something from Big Brother 24 when half the house lived outside for a week. It was called DyreFest that year.

A new Head of Household takes power

Leah Peters is the new Head of Household.

Leah won an Endurance Challenge that took most of the night and secured power when needed.

Chelsie Baham spoke with Leah on the Live Feeds. She mentioned that Leah had lasted 10 hours in the HOH Competition and gave her accolades for the performance.

The Week 9 HOH Competition footage will air during the Sunday night episode (September 15).

Until then, the houseguests live in the backyard, and fans can watch it on the Live Feeds. Specifics about what has happened may have to wait until then as well. Will it be for the entire week?

Leah doesn’t get an HOH Room since they are in the backyard. Below is a video of Leah getting her HOH basket and letter from home.

More from Big Brother

There will be some chaos for the Big Brother 26 cast this week. Leah will likely host the Nomination Ceremony later on Friday. She has hinted at targeting “the trio” during her week of power.

Joseph Rodriguez is shading the BB26 cast in his exit interviews. He called one houseguest “mean” and another “annoying” as he shared his opinions on the season.

Here’s the updated BB26 episode schedule. Wednesday nights look much different due to Survivor 47 debuting soon.

Previous episodes of Big Brother 26 are streaming on Paramount+.

Big Brother 26 airs on CBS during Summer 2024.

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