
Big Brother 26 spoilers: Updates from the Live Feeds for Week 7

Quinn BB26 Trouble
Quinn Martin became the Week 7 HOH on Big Brother 26. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 26 spoilers from the Live Feeds reveal what happened during Week 7.

Quinn Martin won the latest Head of Household Competition, allowing him to target someone.

Quinn was excited about becoming HOH so soon after voting out Tucker Des Lauriers.

By securing the HOH throne, Quinn also guaranteed he would make it to at least the jury phase this summer.

Seven houseguests will comprise the BB26 jury, and that group decides who wins Big Brother 26.

One more person has to go home before the BB26 jury phase begins.

Quinn nominated Angela Murray, Rubina Bernabe, and Kimo Apaka at his Nomination Ceremony,

Big Brother 26 spoilers from the Live Feeds

Quinn’s target for eviction was Angela, and he made that apparent to many houseguests.

But his plans quickly went awry due to the Power of Veto.

Leah Peters won the Veto Competition. She told Quinn that voting out Angela didn’t benefit her game.

Leah saved Angela at the Veto Meeting, upending Quinn’s plans and forcing him to nominate a fourth person this week.

Joseph Rodriguez became the replacement nominee, joining Kimo and Rubina on the block.

Things have been chaotic on the feeds because it became unclear who would be going home next.

Kimo, Rubina, and Joseph play in an AI Arena Challenge on Thursday night (September 5). The winner of that challenge is safe, and one of the losers is going home.

Being the final person sent home before the jury phase is a particularly tough moment for Big Brother players.

Angela has also made it to the BB26 jury, which was unexpected after her rough first week.

Who is going home this week on Big Brother 26?

A six-person women’s alliance has formed during Quinn’s HOH and they want to make big moves. They have a shot to send another man home on Thursday night.

The women have every reason to protect Rubina, setting up some distinct scenarios for the upcoming eviction vote. If Rubina is on the block with one of the men, that fellow is going home.

More from the Big Brother 26 cast

Tucker is now home and interacting with fans on social media. He misses Rubina and has posted about it several times. Big Brother fans will see Tucker again on finale night.

Here is the September episode schedule for BB26. It has been updated with some changes due to CBS primetime shows returning. There are also some 90-minute installments listed.

Previous episodes of Big Brother 26 are streaming on Paramount+.

Big Brother 26 airs on CBS during Summer 2024.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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