Big Brother 26 has a dramatic eviction episode slated for September 12.
It’s mostly dramatic due to the producers delaying the presentation of the Veto Meeting.
During the latest Big Brother 26 episode, CBS viewers saw Makensy Manbeck win the Veto Competition.
OTEV was pretty embarrassing for the BB26 cast, though. It will be talked about for years to come.
The September 11 episode ended with Makensy standing up at the Veto Meeting, presumably to show that she was considering using the Power of Veto.
But did she use the POV? Fans would have to tune in on September 12 to find out.
However, we have some spoilers here to address it.
Did Makensy use the Power of Veto?
Makensy used the Power of Veto at the Week 8 Veto Meeting.
Makensy saved Angela Murray from the block, forcing Chelsie Baham to name a replacement nominee.
Chelsie picked Quinn Martin as her replacement nominee, completing her new plan to target Quinn for eviction.
Quinn is now on the block next to Kimo Apaka, Chelsie’s pawn for Week 8.
Chelsie had originally wanted Angela out, but Angela convinced her that Leah Peters and Quinn were conspiring against her. It was a smart game move.
Who will be the first member of the BB26 jury?
As of the morning of the Eviction Ceremony (September 12), the plan is to evict Quinn.
Cam Sullivan-Brown, Rubina Bernabe, T’Kor Clottey, and Makensy plan to vote out Quinn.
Makensy has told Angela they are trying to save Quinn, but it’s a smokescreen to ensure Angela is on the wrong side of this upcoming vote.
Leah also knows Quinn’s prospects are dim, so she may give him a sympathy vote on Thursday night.
The vote to send Quinn to the BB26 jury will be at least 4-2, but it could become a 6-0 vote if nobody wants to be on the wrong side.
Unless something drastic happens during the day on Thursday, Quinn’s time in the Big Brother house is done.
Quinn has accepted that fate and had some humorous moments on the Live Feeds as he panhandled for votes.
More from the Big Brother 26 cast
Joseph Rodriguez has been shading his fellow houseguests. He even had some barbs for the production team, as he called the show “cheap” for not letting him be a jury member.
Here’s the updated BB26 episode schedule. All upcoming Wednesday episodes have been moved. The return of the CBS primetime shows has complicated things, including the new season of Survivor.
The Survivor 47 cast has also been released (here).
Previous episodes of Big Brother 26 are streaming on Paramount+.
Big Brother 26 airs on CBS during Summer 2024.
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