Big Brother 26 spoilers from the Live Feeds reveal which players are in trouble during Week 2.
The final nominees are set for the week as Chelsie Baham’s time as Head of Household ends.
It has been an easy week for Chelsie, even though she had some moments of stress.
The BB26 house made her eviction targets for her, as she went with the flow and put Angela Murray and Lisa Weintraub on the block.
Several people volunteered as pawns in Week 2, and Chelsie settled on Kenney Kelley. Many Big Brother fans are tired of Kenney doing that.
Kenney won the Veto Competition, shaking things up when he used the Power of Veto on himself.
The final Week 2 nominees and how the BB26 house views them
Tucker Des Lauriers volunteered to be the replacement nominee but balked in the hours before the Veto Meeting. Tucker realized (rightfully) that choosing to go on the block was a mistake.
Chelsie accepted his sacrifice and told him it was too late to shift gears after he had volunteered. Tucker should still be safe because the house is largely against Angela and Lisa.
Part of the house (namely Lisa Peters and Makensy Manbeck) wants Angela gone. Count Lisa with them, but she is still on the block.
Many houseguests want Lisa gone due to her overbearing personality thus far. This has led to various meetings where people talked about what she has done (including leaning in to sniff their food).
Big Brother fans were also shocked by what Lisa did to the pillows in the Have-Not Room.
Who is going home on Big Brother 26 in Week 2?
Voting scenarios could change based on the final 36 hours before the August 1 Eviction Ceremony, but things appear set.
Lisa is going home if she is on the block after the AI Arena Challenge. It’s that simple. It doesn’t matter if it’s Tucker or Angela on the block with her.
Angela would go home if it’s her against Tucker at the Eviction Ceremony.
Tucker is safe for now, even with some murmurs about swinging the vote on him. Angela was acting up on the feeds again, keeping people against her.
So Lisa must win the AI Arena to stay in the game.
More from the Big Brother house
Angela’s boss revealed people are trying to get her fired. She found it humorous but distracting that Big Brother fans took Angela’s behavior so seriously.
Many Big Brother fans are also upset with the live feed outages. They fear it is hiding some of the behaviors of the BB26 cast.
Big Brother 26 airs on CBS during Summer 2024.
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