
Big Brother 26 theme revealed, Julie Chen Moonves speaks about it

Julie Chen Big Brother Interview
Host Julie Chen Moonves returns for a new season of Big Brother in Summer 2024. Pic credit: CBS

The Big Brother 26 theme is exactly what some fans had guessed.

We will get a summer of Artificial Intelligence impacting the BB26 cast.

Or at least it will be a few weeks – because sometimes themes get abandoned if they aren’t playing out well.

At least it’s a shift from what we have seen in recent seasons, and they can play up the AI impact on the season.

Some Big Brother 26 house pictures were also revealed, allowing fans to see inside the house.

Nobody will want to spend much time in the Have-Not Room this summer, especially during hours when the lights are turned on.

The Big Brother 26 theme is officially announced

The theme for this summer is Big Brother: Artificial Intelligence.

“BB AI is taking over the House, and the theme will deliver the most unpredictable season for Houseguests,” reads the new press release from CBS.

One way this has been done is through the producers giving AI control over room creation. They asked rooms to be created with specific instructions, leading to interesting results.

Below is a list of the rooms in the Big Brother 26 house and the prompts used for each one.

  • HOH Room: “Create a refreshing retreat for the Head of Household.”
  • Front Bedroom: “Create a futuristic bedroom for the year 2500, fit for five Houseguests.”
  • Side Bedroom: “Create a fantasy fairy garden.”
  • Back Bedroom: “Create a sci-fi rocky planet setting.”
  • Have-Not Room: BB AI crashed and left only a wireframe skeleton bedroom.

Below is a new video that Julie Chen Moonves has shared. In it, you can spot each AI-generated room, including the uncomfortable-looking Have-Not Room.

More Artificial Intelligence highlights from the Big Brother house

An additional list of highlights from the BB26 house has been shared. These are noticeable changes and introductions to the theme that fans will notice during the two-night season premiere.

  • Living Room: An eight-foot root ball coffee table sets a cool vibe.
  • Skybridge: Get strategic in the math-themed lounge.
  • Kitchen: Swirling graphics and concrete walls create a bold look.
  • Gym and Bathroom: Blue and yellow swirls continue for energy and relaxation.
  • Backyard: Pieces from all rooms pieced together for outdoor fun!

More news and notes from Big Brother 26

Here is the BB26 episode schedule on CBS. It will be a summer packed with primetime content for the fans.

The Live Feeds may be delayed during the first week. That unfortunate piece of news comes from some online rumors.

One Big Brother alum says it would be terrible for fans to miss Day 1 action.

Previous seasons of Big Brother are streaming on Paramount+.

Big Brother 26 debuts July 17 on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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