
Big Brother 26’s new promo features Zingbot helping Julie Chen Moonves

Zingbot on Big Brother
Zingbot is back for a new season of Big Brother. Pic credit: CBS

Zingbot is helping create buzz for Big Brother 26.

A new promo ad was released for this summer and it features Zingbot and host Julie Chen Moonves teasing what’s to come.

The new season arrives on July 17 as the first part of a two-night event debuts on CBS.

A $750,000 cash prize is on the line again, and we get a group of fresh faces making up the BB26 cast.

Details about the theme and the cast bios will come out later, but here’s our best guess for that drop date.

Big Brother alums are also hosting a watch party for the two-day premiere, giving fans a chance to meet members of the BB25 cast.

A new promo for Big Brother 26 featuring Zingbot

“⚡️⚡️ ZING ⚡️⚡️,” begins a new BB26 promo shared on Instagram.

“Summer is here and #BB26 is less than one month away. Are you ready for it? #BigBrother 🤗💙 See you July 17!” reads the rest of the caption.

“See what everyone will be talking about this summer with…” Julie says in the video before Zingbot cuts her off.

The duo then goes back and forth a bit to help get everyone excited. Is this a heavy hint that Zingbot will visit the BB26 cast soon?

Many Big Brother alums are excited about the BB26 season

Numerous Big Brother alums commented on the new social media post. It was a fun collection of excited reactions.

“I’m here for the fashion credits because Julie’s dress eats,” wrote BB24 winner Taylor Hale.

“We need zingbot on all the social media platforms please,” wrote Claire Rehfuss from BB23.

“Can’t wait!! If zingbot comes for Julie I think that means nobody is safe 😂,” posted Michael Bruner from BB24.

Other respondents included Derek Frazier (BB23), Kaycee Clark (BB20 winner), Christmas Abbott (BB19 and BB22), Angela Rockstar (BB20), and GinaMarie Zimmerman (BB15).

BB Alums Excited
BB alums celebrate the new season. Pic credit: @JulieChenMoonves/Instagram

More Big Brother news

A Big Brother-themed cruise has been planned. It’s a way for fans to enjoy a cruise while meeting some of their favorite players.

Big Brother 21 winner Jackson Michie is now a dad! Jackson shared new photos featuring his wife and new baby.

A BB25 alum also released some new music. She even sampled some spoken words from Survivor legend and BB25 houseguest Cirie Fields.

Previous seasons of Big Brother are streaming on Paramount+. That includes the dramatic season featuring Nicole Franzel, Derrick Levasseur, Frankie Grande, and Cody Calafiore (BB16).

Big Brother 26 debuts July 17 on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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