Big Brother After Dark has been a great companion show to Big Brother, providing viewers with around three additional hours of television footage each night.
But this year Big Brother After Dark did not return to Pop TV. Despite the producers showcasing a group of returning houseguests with Big Brother All-Stars 2, the companion show simply vanished.
As Week 3 comes to a close in the Big Brother house this summer, fans are still asking about Big Brother After Dark and when it might return to television. But what if it never returns?
Is Big Brother After Dark done for good?
The basic premise of Big Brother After Dark is to provide footage from the live feeds to a television audience. Having the show air almost every night, it allowed CBS viewers to see what was taking place behind-the-scenes of the edited episodes.
At the same time, fans could already watch the live feeds through the CBS All Access application at an additional charge. A lot of fans have not wanted to pay for the extra service, deciding instead to tune in to Big Brother After Dark.
Not having a companion show on television certainly seems like a push by CBS to get more people to sign up for the live feeds. That could mean more revenue, especially with millions of Big Brother fans out there.
The number of CBS All Access subscribers actually watching Big Brother is not public information, so there isn’t a good way to measure whether or not more people are tuning into the feeds this summer.
What we do know, though, is that a lot of people are posting complaints about the lack of Big Brother After Dark.
Fans continue to request Big Brother After Dark 2020
A lot of interesting conversations have taken place on the CBS live feeds that would have made for interesting television. Does it also mean that people only watching the CBS episodes are missing out on more than ever this summer?
Where is my Big Brother After Dark on POP tv ? ? https://t.co/TUy7POQSmU
— Deacon Blue.? (@Curtis4230) August 22, 2020
Now that I get @PopTV they stopped @CBSBigBrother after dark. pic.twitter.com/LChvQodCE4
— Scott (@ScottApril15th3) August 22, 2020
No more BB for me! No fun without Big Brother After Dark #BBAllStars pic.twitter.com/dX41Dv6ELp
— Candace Burke (@Mom2bics) August 14, 2020
The Big Brother 2020 season is getting close to wrapping up its third week and sending a third cast member out the front door. It would have been nice for fans to be able to watch the final days of Kaysar Ridha and Janelle Pierzina in the house together, but it will require the live feeds.
The only thing left is to hope that the fan requests for the return of Big Brother After Dark will continue and that CBS and the show producers work hard to make it a part of the viewing schedule for the summer 2021 season.
Big Brother 2020 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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