The Big Brother All-Stars 2 cast has finally been revealed. The season premiere has arrived and with it the names of the people who are playing the game this summer.
There had been quite a few rumors on social media – stretching all the way back to June. The delay in production due to the coronavirus pandemic just made the fan base even more rabid about learning the names.
Ahead of the premiere, there were several reputable sources leaking some of the names online, but we now have confirmed information (based on visual evidence) of who the 16 people are that are now inside the house.
According to executive producer Allison Grodner, the BB22 cast is in for a lot of twists and turns this summer. Host Julie Chen Moonves also revealed that several people had to tap out after testing positive for COVID-19.
But that’s enough about what has or what might happen next, it’s time to dive right into the list of returning houseguests.
Big Brother All-Stars 2 cast reveal
Below are the two lists of BB22 cast members, split up into the eight men and eight women that are vying for the huge cash prize this summer. They have all played the game before, so they now know what to expect.
There aren’t a lot of winners in the cast, as people like Derrick Levasseur decided to opt out this year.
David Alexander from BB21
Cody Calafiore from BB16
Kaysar Ridha from BB6 and BB7
Kevin Campbell from BB11
Enzo Palumbo from BB12
Ian Terry from winning BB14
Memphis Garrett from BB10
Tyler Crispen from BB20
Nicole Franzel from BB14 and BB18
Da’Vonne Rogers from BB17 and BB18
Christmas Abbott from BB19
Daniele Donato from BB8 and BB13
Nicole Anthony from BB21
Bayleigh Dayton from BB20
Keesha Smith from BB10
Janelle Pierzina from BB6, BB7, and BB14

A second round of All-Stars for Big Brother
This is the second time that CBS and the production team has put together a season of All-Star cast members. The last time was way back in 2006 when Big Brother 7 aired on the network.
During that original season of the All-Stars, it was Mike “Boogie” Malin who emerged as the winner. He beat out Erika Landin in the final jury vote. Though they didn’t win, Janelle and Kaysar were also part of that cast and they now return to play again on BB22.
Big Brother All-Stars 2 premieres August 5 at 9/8c on CBS.
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