The Big Brother recap for tonight comes from Episode 31, where the houseguests had to decide if it would be Memphis Garrett or Christmas Abbott going to the jury house.
During the last episode, we learned that Nicole Franzel had won the Power of Veto. She decided not to use it and kept her nominations the same. Now, it was time to find out how producers would make it look like the eviction decision wasn’t set.
This will serve as a live blog of the October 15 episode, beginning at 8/7c. We will be updating the article as the new episode progresses, including when we learn about who is heading to the BB22 jury next.
Big Brother 22, Episode 31 recap
As expected, the “previously on Big Brother” segment covered the creation of the Wise Guy alliances again. It then worked through Nicole taking power as the HOH and setting up Memphis as her target.
Host Julie Chen Moonves noted at the opening that someone was about to get blindsided because both Memphis and Christmas felt that they were being protected by other houseguests.
Some Diary Room sessions were shown after the Veto Meeting, where Nicole talked about her “secret” alliance with Cody and Christmas spoke about feeling safe.
It was then time for the requisite moments of worrying about which way the vote was going to swing for the week.
Christmas was shown speaking with Memphis, where she said that Nicole wasn’t sure about what she was going to do if there was a split vote.
Enzo appeared to be getting very nervous about evicting Memphis over Christmas and chatted with Cody several times about whether or not they were doing the right thing.
There aren’t a lot of episodes left on the Big Brother schedule, but a special Friday night installment is coming up soon.
The Houseguests have to do what's best for their game, but knowing what's best isn't always easy. #BB22 pic.twitter.com/PxCPAw6OSt
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) October 16, 2020
Tyler arrives at the BB22 jury
A long segment was shown where Tyler Crispen arrived at the jury house and showed everyone the video of his doom.
When he arrived, it was surprising to see that Daniele Donato was no longer bitter about getting evicted. She spoke well of Cody and said that he was playing a great game and that she wasn’t upset with Tyler any longer.
The six jury members talked about how the season has been progressing and they unofficially began debating about who they feel should win the season. If Cody makes it to the final two, it looks like he is getting $500,000.
Looks like #BBCody’s game is impressing the Jury! #BB22 pic.twitter.com/pn4ozgbO35
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) October 16, 2020
Tyler and Da’Vonne Rogers also had an important chat about when he tried to quit the game and Christmas wouldn’t let him. He started crying as he spoke about how bad he felt.
The first six jurors also got messages from home. Many of them started crying as they watched them, including Da’Vonne seeing her daughter and Tyler seeing Angela Rummans again.
Eviction Ceremony time
After Christmas and Memphis gave their speeches, it was time to get to the vote.
Cody and Enzo both voted to evict Memphis, making him the newest member of the BB22 jury.
Memphis then went out to speak with host Julie Chen Moonves about his season.
HOH Competition gets started
We don’t get to see the new Head of Household take power during the episode, but Kaysar Ridha was on hand to get things started for the houseguests.
For readers who want to follow along, we have a live blog up and running for the HOH Competition, as the results are going to come from the Big Brother live feeds later in the evening.
Big Brother airs Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.
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