A Big Brother All-Stars schedule update has been presented by CBS for when the show finally gets unveiled.
As the network revealed, the season premiere is going to be a two-hour live move-in event. It’s an exciting change of pace for the summer 2020 season.
The season premiere comes on Wednesday, August 5. It will begin at 9/8c on CBS and that should be the final episode in that timeslot for a while.
Previously, CBS had announced that episodes of the show would be every Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday once things got rolling, but that’s not exactly the case.
Big Brother Season 22, Episode 1 airs on August 5. Then, Episode 2 doesn’t come until Sunday, August 9. They are going to skip over Thursday night after the huge move-in event.
For fans who had been looking forward to one of the two-night events that have been done for years, it seems like CBS is working away from that scenario.
A lot could be happening on that live season premiere, but it won’t be live for viewers on the West Coast. Still, it will be exciting to learn the BB22 cast members when host Julie Chen Moonves finally reveals them.
Below is the short-term episode schedule through Episode 6 on August 19. Don’t worry, though, as the long-term plans for the BB22 cast has the season continuing until late October.
The additional great news is that you can now start setting those DVRs!
Updated Big Brother All-Stars schedule
Episode 1: Wednesday, August 5 at 9/8c (two hours)
Episode 2: Sunday, August 9 at 10/9c (one hour)
Episode 3: Wednesday, August 12 at 8/7c (new time/one hour)
Episode 4: Thursday, August 13 at 8/7c (one hour)
Episode 5: Sunday, August 16 at 8/7c (one hour)
Episode 6: Wednesday, August 19 at 8/7c (one hour)
Who is on the Big Brother 22 cast?
We still don’t know all of the names of who will be part of the BB22 cast this summer. A list was recently revealed by TV Guide, but even those names have not yet been confirmed by CBS or the production team at the show.
The names have led to a lot of debate among fans on social media, with quite a few people weighing in on the fact that there are only two former winners on the list.
Julie Chen did post what appears to be a riddle about who is playing Big Brother this summer, but it’s not an easy one to solve. It may just be a red herring in order to help create some more buzz. If it was, it has.
The wait is nearly over for the Big Brother All-Stars schedule to begin and then everything is off to the races. It’s going to be a busy summer, so make sure to tune in on August 5 to find out how it all gets started.
Big Brother All-Stars debuts August 5 at 9/8c on CBS.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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