Big Brother: Over the Top tried a lot of new things in order to make the first online season of the show exciting for fans. One of those ideas was to have three houseguests left standing at the end instead of the regular final two.
It’s an idea that might just spice up the season finale for a Big Brother summer season, especially because it could give the jury plenty to debate about in the final days of the season.
For readers who don’t know what Big Brother: Over the Top was – it was a season done entirely online that had a lot of additional fan involvement. The Big Brother spin-off aired in fall 2016 and Morgan Willett was the winner.
On BBOTT, the final four played a Head of Household Competition, with the winner earning a spot in the final three. They also got to pick someone to go there with them, leaving the other two houseguests to battle it out for the last spot in the final three.
Yes, this is very much like what Survivor is currently doing, where the final person with Individual Immunity decides who goes with them to the end and who will be battling it out in a Fire Challenge to join them.
Big Brother: Over the Top Season 1 can still be watched online using the Paramount+ application. Below is an introduction to the BBOTT cast for anyone who might be interested in checking it out.
Fresh ideas needed for Big Brother 23
It’s always good to inject fresh ideas into shows that have been on television for years. Having a final three instead of a final two could definitely shake things up in that fashion. Could you imagine if three deserving people made it to the final three and forced the Big Brother jury to really debate long and hard about who should win?
The producers of the show are already on the right road if it’s true that the BB23 cast will be an entirely new group of people. Fans love seeing some of the great players get a second chance at the game, but a majority of viewers want to see some fresh faces walk through that door.
We recently suggested a three-hour Big Brother finale in order to give host Julie Chen Moonves enough time to get through everything. That would be a great way to keep from rushing through the most important moments of the season and to allow the people who previously got voted out more time to talk on the stage.
Big Brother 2021 to air this summer
A new season of Big Brother will air this summer on CBS; so no matter what, we have some new content coming up very soon. Hopefully, with a new casting director in place and some new policies about adding diversity to the show, the BB23 cast will wind up being a memorable one for all the right reasons.
It’s safe to also assume that Nicole Franzel and Victor Arroyo will show off their new baby during an interview with Julie.
Big Brother is currently on hiatus at CBS.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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