
Big Brother drama: Houseguest claims only six chips in POV draw

Big Brother House
The Big Brother house is already seeing a lot of drama this week Pic credit: Scott Storey/CBS

Some Big Brother drama surfaced on the live feeds after the players were drawn to play for the Power of Veto. Be aware that there are a lot of Big Brother spoilers within this article that have not yet been covered during a CBS episode.

Brandon “Frenchie” French is the Head of Household this week. He then nominated Kyland Young and Alyssa Lopez for eviction. It was a really surprising turn of events that caught both nominees off guard after Frenchie has basically stated both would be safe this week.

This meant that Frenchie, Kyland, and Alyssa would be drawing the players who would be taking part in the Veto Competition on Saturday. At the meeting to draw the players, Derek Xiao, Travis Long, and Tiffany Mitchell were selected to play for the Power of Veto.

Some drama surfaced, though, when the feeds came back on after the players had been picked. Kyland said that there were only six chips in the bag when he got his chance to make a pull. It was also stated that he was the one who chose Travis to play for the power.

What happened with the POV drawing?

Already, social media is jumping with people claiming that the POV was “rigged” and that everything was set up to make sure that production got the people that they wanted into the Veto Competition. But maybe there is more to all of this than someone rigging the competition?

Kyland Young (Team Queens), Christian Birkenberger (Team Kings), and Hannah Chaddha (Team Aces) played in the first Wildcard Competition back on Thursday. Christian won it and gained safety for himself for the week. He was also allowed to make someone else safe and he went with Xavier Prather.

Julie Chen Moonves warned everyone that there could be punishments coming along with the Wildcard Competition and that there were risks involved in playing for safety. It is possible that a lot of people weren’t allowed to play for the Power of Veto based on those results.

Power of Veto theories

Maybe Christian, Xavier, and the rest of Team Kings were ruled out of playing for the POV unless they were on the block? Sarah Beth Steagall didn’t play in it and Alyssa, the other member, was already on the block.

Maybe Frenchie’s team, since they were also safe, also didn’t get to play for the POV? That would then rule out Azah Awasum, Britini D’Angelo, and Derek Frazier.

And maybe, since Kyland wasn’t the first person to draw a chip (it’s always the HOH), when it got to him there were only six chips left. And if he was picking third, then the numbers might all work out.

If we assume that Azah, Britini, Derek, Christian, Xavier, Sarah Beth, and Hannah (because she got to play for safety) are all ruled out, that’s seven people already out of the running. We already know that Frenchie, Kyland, and Alyssa wouldn’t have chips because they were picking. That would then leave only six other people who could play. Making one more assumption that there were one or two chips allowing a houseguest to choose a player, then there could easily have been just six chips when Kyland drew.

Admittedly, that is a lot of assuming, especially since the punishments and ability to play have not yet been publicly revealed. We probably won’t learn everything until the upcoming episodes on the Big Brother TV schedule play out. Until then, it’s a bit understandable that some fans are dubious.

At the same time, a lot of people are also assuming that Kyland was able to quickly count six chips when he was drawing. Isn’t it also possible that he undercounted or threw out a number to cause some chaos of his own in the house? We know Frenchie does that a lot (creates chaos).

As for what happened at the Veto Competition, we have some intriguing Big Brother spoilers from the event.

Stay tuned. If we learn more specifics about what happened with the Veto pick before the episodes reveal them, we will make sure to pass them on.

Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.

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