The Big Brother feeds have been really busy today. But when Christmas Abbott said that she was worried she was going to get shot or cut by Bayleigh Dayton, it definitely woke up the Twitter fans.
The day started out with the BB Basement getting opened up and the powers being dispersed. It throws a big wrench in the game, as the powers could certainly impact how things play out over the next few weeks.
It wasn’t those powers that got Christmas all worked up, though, but rather the Nomination Ceremony that she was preparing to host. As the Week 5 Head of Household, Christmas had to nominate two people for eviction.
She had a plan in place early on, and that’s what a lot of conversations were about with her fellow alliance members.
Christmas jokes with Nicole Franzel at the expense of Bayleigh
Below is a video that combines two different incidents that just took place on Big Brother live feeds.
First up, Christmas was talking about how worried she was that Bayleigh was going to “cut” her when she found who she had been nominated for eviction.
Then, to a laughing Nicole, Christmas says that she is going to get shot and have a fork put in her face due to what was about to take place.
Christmas: Is she gonna cut me when I put her up?
Tyler: Who?
C: Bayleighlater…
Christmas: This is before fucking noms. How do you think I feel? I'm gonna get shot. Somebody's gonna put a fork in my face today. I'm just sayin..I'm scared, & I'm not easily spooked.#bb22 pic.twitter.com/CxFdcVqejT
— Tooms (@Tooms_BB) September 5, 2020
People on social media are quite displeased that Christmas would say things like this about Bayleigh and they are not holding back when it comes to sharing their sentiments.
Black women can't even breathe in that house. #BB22 It's a hostile environment for POC. https://t.co/3mMNdxKo2H
— Vonnie (@HaterVonnie) September 5, 2020
She says pardon? If I recall, Christmas is the one who confronted a woman who was seeing her ex and then rammed her car into the woman's car repeatedly, while 8 months pregnant. Projecting much, lady? #BB22
Raleigh News & Observer story for reference: https://t.co/cpyaceti7H https://t.co/o7kWNQcVfV
— Jennifer Farwell (@jennfarwell) September 5, 2020
I know she’s one to talk #bb22 https://t.co/kKY73iUbp1
— Kimberly Robinson (@kurleyykimm) September 5, 2020
The above Twitter post references the time that Christmas Abbott got arrested. That arrest was a reason that some fans didn’t want to see her back in the game.
House drama could continue
The Nomination Ceremony just took place and, no, Bayleigh did not shoot or stab Christmas at it or after it. You can click on that link to find out who Christmas nominated, but we won’t spoil it if you are just here to read about her comments.
The house is going to be even more divided than it was before. With Janelle Pierzina and Kaysar Ridha now gone, the house is going to start really turning on itself. That may have already started at the latest HOH Competition when Dani Donato, who said she was aligned with Bayleigh and Da’Vonne Rogers, pitted them against each other.
Former houseguest Kathryn Dunn already noted that the pettiness was getting pretty bad in the house and it hasn’t stopped. Hopefully, it doesn’t completely boil over, but if Bayleigh ever catches wind of what was said about her, chaos could consume the BB22 cast.
Big Brother airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.
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Christmas needs to be told to leave the game. Asap