
Big Brother live feeds: Kyland pushing Frenchie to reveal rogue votes

Kyland BB23 HOH Noms
Kyland is playing a strong game as the second HOH on Big Brother 23. Pic credit: CBS

The Big Brother live feeds have shown a desperate Frenchie trying his hardest to convince the house to save him from eviction. That includes bringing up his kids in conversations to rationalize why he has been acting this way for the past two weeks.

On Monday, Kyland seemed to sense an opening to get some information from Frenchie, especially since Frenchie had been advertising that he had some more secrets left to tell.

Kyland really wants to know who the two rogue votes were from the first Eviction Ceremony of the summer. When the BB23 cast was voting out either Travis Long or Alyssa Lopez, it had been thought that Travis was going out unanimously. But two people voted for Alyssa in order to create some chaos.

It’s interesting that Frenchie hasn’t revealed those rogue votes yet (we stress the word yet, at the publishing of this article), especially with all of the other alliances that he has been blowing up over the past few days.

Whitney Williams is still displeased with what Frenchie did to her in front of people that she wasn’t aligned with. It might just make her a bigger target.

Who were the two Big Brother rogue votes?

Derek Frazier and Tiffany Mitchell both voted against the house and attempted to keep it under wraps. There was an amusing moment where they questioned each other in the kitchen about who could have done it, while it was the pair who had done it all along.

What wasn’t shown during the Sunday night episode was that Derek F and Frenchie had discussed that vote ahead of time. The entire idea behind the rogue votes came from Frenchie, with Derek F and Tiffany fine to go along with it since it would create a bit of chaos for other houseguests.

Will Frenchie reveal the rogue votes to Kyland?

Before the Big Brother live feeds went down so that the cast could take part in a Veto Ceremony, Kyland had told Frenchie that it would build trust if he revealed the names of the rogue votes.

Frenchie told Kyland that he was going to need to go ask the people who had done it if he was allowed to tell Kyland about the game moves. It was a bit humorous in the way that he presented it, especially if live feed viewers could have watched Frenchie leave the HOH Room to go approach those two people. Kyland could have watched it take place from the HOH Room cameras.

For now, the secret that Tiffany and Derek Frazier are holding has not yet been revealed. It will be very interesting to see how much longer that lasts.

Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.

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