
Big Brother live feeds spoilers: Watch as Tiffany tells Claire about protecting The Cookout

Claire Sad On BB23
Claire Rehfuss is in a tough position on Big Brother 23 after Tiffany opened up to her. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother spoilers from today come from an intense conversation that Tiffany Mitchell and Claire Rehfuss just had on the live feeds. At the heart of it was Tiffany revealing who she is working to protect over the final few weeks of the season.

Be aware that there are going to be even more Big Brother spoilers about what has taken place this week, including who the Head of Household is, who they nominated for eviction, and who won the Power of Veto this week.

The Big Brother live feeds just saw Tiffany Mitchell tell Claire Rehfuss that she has to put her up on the block this week. It was a heart-wrenching moment for Claire in the game, but it ultimately answered the question about what Tiffany would do when she had a chance to get someone from The Cookout out of the game.

After telling Claire that she really wanted to keep her safe this week, Tiffany spoke about being in a difficult position in regard to her gameplay this season. She revealed how Alyssa Lopez was her target for eviction this week, as proven when Tiffany nominated Alyssa and Xavier Prather for eviction.

But after Alyssa won the Power of Veto, it changed everything, as Alyssa is going to take herself off of the block at the Veto Ceremony. This is going to force Tiffany to name a replacement nominee and the only people left to choose from are Claire and the members of The Cookout.

Tiffany tells Claire the bad news about BB23 cast

“I don’t have any deals with X, but game aside, on a personal level, my own personal preference, was, I don’t want to be the person to send out Azah, Chaddha, X, Kyland, Big D. I don’t want to sit them next to each other and be the one that has to be the first person to send one of them out,” Tiffany told Claire as she got started on breaking down what was happening.

“As much as I want to ride this thing out with you, I don’t have anyone else to put on the block,” Tiffany went on to tell Claire.

Claire then asked if Tiffany was putting her up, to which Tiffany confirmed that she was going up on the block at the Veto Ceremony.

Tiffany then started talking to Claire about how she should fight to stay in the house, which was a tad on the dishonest side since Tiffany knows that Claire is about to get voted out if she is on the block. Claire pointed that out to her, to which Tiffany said she should try to get the support of Azah and Chaddha.

Tiffany tells Claire she is not aligned with other members of The Cookout

Later, Tiffany said she didn’t want to lie to Claire, right before she told Claire that she is not in an alliance with “them” (The Cookout members). It’s unclear why Tiffany only went halfway with this story to Claire, as this is something that is likely to come up again in later conversations or when Claire is spending time in the BB23 jury house.

Don’t forget that the Big Brother schedule for the rest of the summer 2021 season has changed. Here is the updated list of BB23 episodes, including when the Double Evictions are taking place and the new times the show will air on various nights in September.

Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.

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