
Big Brother live feeds update: Noms, a Veto winner, an eviction plan, and someone from BB23 tries to quit

BB23 Cast Hangs Out
The Big Brother 23 cast has seen a lot of drama over the past few days. Pic credit: CBS

This Big Brother live feeds update covers everything that has taken place in the house since the moment that Kyland Young won the Head of Household Competition. He took the power away from Frenchie and the house has shifted quite a lot since then.

As soon as Kyland won the HOH, there was already chatter about who should get nominated and why Frenchie should be the one sent packing. It seemed like a foreshadowed step, especially since Frenchie had nominated Kyland the previous week after telling him that he wouldn’t.

Before they could get to nominations, though, it was time to play another Wildcard Competition. Someone could possibly gain safety and as host Julie Chen Moonves had hinted, they would have to switch teams to keep that safety. Sarah Beth Steagall won safety, but declined to take it and stayed on her team. She really only wanted to make sure that Frenchie and Brent weren’t able to find safety.

Kyland then had one-on-one meetings with everyone on the BB23 cast and asked who they would like to see nominated. Nearly everyone mentioned getting Frenchie out. Everyone except Britini D’Angelo, who Kyland then thought was working with Frenchie.

Nomination Ceremony spoilers

Kyland nominated Frenchie and Britini for eviction. Frenchie said that he would have been disappointed if he didn’t end up on the block in Week 2 and Britini was driven to tears by being on the block in a surprising fashion.

Britini has talked to Kyland since then and they are on good terms, but she definitely had some low moments that will make it on to an episode of the show.

Big Brother Veto Competition results

Claire Rehfuss, Alyssa Lopez, and Derek Xiao were the three extra players that joined the Veto Competition. Tiffany Mitchell served as the host. Frenchie worked hard to try to get people to think about using the Power of Veto on him, but then he started acting oddly again, as he pushed for Britini to get the POV and even stated that he would use it on her if he won it. Was it a ploy? We may never know because he has not been very trustworthy with what he is saying in the house.

Regardless of any plans, it was Derek Xiao who won the Power of Veto again. Frenchie then tried to get close to him, likely hoping that it was a way that he could be saved from going home. Frenchie continued to act boldly in the house, though, saying that America was rooting him on and that the ratings would take a hit if he were sent home. He even seemed to be expecting a special power to be sent to him that would save him from eviction.

This was all after Frenchie called the rest of the cast “stupid” and told production to cut him a check.

Frenchie says he is quitting Big Brother 23

Late Saturday night, Frenchie was seen talking to Derek Frazier about self-evicting. He referenced not wanting to go into sequester where he would have to wait for a possible challenge to return to the house. And then he said he was going to pack up and leave. Derek tried to talk him out of quitting and asked him to sleep on it and shortly after that, the Big Brother live feeds were taken down.

It appears that Frenchie went into the Diary Room and was either convinced to stay or stayed because he was just threatening to quit in order to get attention. This isn’t the first time that Frenchie has mentioned not wanting to try to stick it out in the game, so it could definitely just be a ploy to gain sympathy from other members of the Big Brother cast.

The Week 2 Big Brother eviction

The plan is to evict Frenchie at the Week 2 Big Brother 23 Eviction Ceremony. That will take place on the night of Thursday, July 22 at 8/7c on CBS. There doesn’t seem to be a scenario that keeps him in the game unless Derek X starts really feeling sorry for him.

The Veto Ceremony is on July 19, so there is still time for things to shift again, but Frenchie’s antics have worn down the other houseguests. Trying to save him could put someone else on the chopping block.

Someone who thought they might see Frenchie pretty soon was Travis Long, who gave an extended exit interview before heading home.

Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.

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