
Big Brother live feeds update: Two chaotic nights for BB23 cast

BB23 Team Captains
The Big Brother 23 Team Captains hold a lot of power this season. It could impact who lasts in the BB23 house. Pic credit: CBS

This Big Brother live feeds update covers what has taken place within the house over the first two nights. The BB23 cast was introduced on July 7, and since then, the house has been extremely chaotic as it heads toward the first Nomination Ceremony of the summer.

We have a full recap from Big Brother 23, Episode 1, but here is a quick summary of what took place. Sixteen new houseguests were introduced, the BB23 cast was split up into teams, and the first Head of Household is Brandon “Frenchie” French.

After the 90-minute premiere aired on the West Coast, the Big Brother live feeds were turned on and subscribers started seeing what was going on. Over the past two nights, quite a bit has been discussed on the feeds, including various alliances that could fold as soon as Week 1 comes to an end.

A side note is that the feeds have been going down a lot, frustrating the people who are paying to watch them on Paramount Plus. Hopefully, that cleans up a bit in the days and weeks to come, because the BB23 cast is a very interesting one so far.

Big Brother live feeds update: The alliances

The Big Brother producers are going to have their work cut out for them when it comes to editing the episode that reveals alliances. There are so many intertwined groups that it is going to make fans go a bit nuts trying to keep up with everything.

Things might clear up after the first Eviction Ceremony, but the image below is a running joke about the overall appearance of the BB23 cast. Yes, The Slaughterhouse is an alliance Frenchie created and The Butchers is another one, as he prepares to try to take out his Week 1 target.

If you want a much better one, the following one was put together by a really big fan of the show. It shows some of the more established alliances so far, including Cookout, Parents, a few duo deals, a final two agreement, and it is also split into the teams that were formed during the premiere.

The crowns represent the Team Captains/Leaders but expect these alliances to shift and/or stabilize as the power begins to settle.

One thing that isn’t mentioned is the alliance Frenchie put together late Thursday night. He told Christian, Derek Frazier, Kyland Young, and Xavier that he wants them to be a core five alliance. Frenchie also wants to add three more peripheral members so that they can control the numbers. Will this last? Stay tuned.

Big Brother live feed spoilers: Wildcard Competition results, Frenchie nomination plans

Christian Birkenberger from Team Kings won the Wildcard Competition and gained safety for the week. Christian was also allowed to pick someone else to be safe and he went with Xavier Prather from his team.

Frenchie cannot nominate Christian or Xavier now. He also cannot nominate Azah Awasum, Britini D’Angelo, or Derek Frazier from Team Jokers, as they gained safety when Frenchie won HOH.

As for the Nomination Ceremony, it will take place later on Friday, July 9. Since Frenchie is acting like such a wild card in the BB23 house, he could still go off-script. And it could also mean that the house might not actually go along with the plans he lays out. Ready for things to get messy?

If Frenchie isn’t careful, he might lose the support of his own team, especially since he keeps shifting plans and has kept the rest of his team in the dark about a lot. That could be bad for him in the long term.

At first, it looked like Frenchie wanted to target Brent Champagne this week. Then, after chatting with Brent, they formed a bond, and Frenchie was looking more at Christian. After Christian won safety, it has led to Frenchie scrambling a little.

At one point, Frenchie also said that he didn’t want to nominate any women or minorities during the first week. Oops.

It currently looks like Derek Xiao would go on the block next to Sarah Beth Steagall. Derek is the primary target for eviction and Sarah is being used as a pawn. So far.

Episode 2 from the Big Brother TV schedule is still a ways off, giving a lot of time for more alliance shifts and nomination drama before the CBS audience even sees more footage.

Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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