A Big Brother showmance has been developing on the live feeds.
BB25 cast members Blue Kim and Jared Fields have been getting very close.
Extensive flirting has been happening, and the duo has been cuddling in various locations around the house.
Blue was even spotted kissing Jared on the hand as they cuddled recently.
It’s probably too early to call Blue and Jared a couple, but the relationship is trending in that direction.
And the relationship could lead to future drama playing out on the feeds.
Will a showmance with Blue end Jared’s Big Brother game?
A possible game-altering conversation happened during a recent cuddle session with Jared and Blue.
Jared teased a secret. And then Blue hinted she has one as well.
Big Brother fans know that Jared is the son of Cerie Fields, who is also on the BB25 cast.
Revealing that secret would make Jared and Cerie immediate targets — information that continues to give Izzy Gleicher leverage.
“Is it a thing that America knows?” Blue asked Jared about his secret.
“Yeah. Yeah, it’s not something that I hide from the rest of em. It’s just something that I’m not able to say,” Jared responded.
“But like I’m saying like Big Brother audience, like they know?” Blue asked.
“Oh yeah. For sure,” Jared answered.
Jared later says that he doesn’t think it will make Blue upset – all while she tries to hint at her secret.
Blue then teases that she will reveal her secret if Jared says his.
Below is an extended clip from the Big Brother live feeds. The conversation is not one that Cirie would want to happen.
Jared Fields has trouble with Big Brother secrets
Surprisingly, Jared hasn’t told someone he is Cirie’s son.
Jared is terrible at keeping secrets in the Big Brother house. He routinely tries to one-up people by revealing alliances, statements, and game talk.
It seems very likely that if the showmance between Jared and Blue progresses, he will tell her about his mom.
Revealing that secret would hurt his game, especially as The Professors begin taking out people on the opposite side of the house.
More Big Brother news
New rumors about a Big Brother Battle Back are addressed here.
Recently evicted Reilly Smedley revealed her final two hopes in a new interview.
Luke Valentine has new excuses for why he used the N-word.
And host Julie Chen Moonves revealed the Big Brother Pressure Cooker returns on August 24.
Big Brother 25 airs Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS.
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