The Big Brother live feeds have provided lots of drama during the final week — already.
Following the live eviction episode that sent out Cirie Fields, the final four houseguests began scrambling.
Bowie Jane is the Head of Household again, and that guaranteed fans would see some chaos on the feeds.
She did not disappoint, as a conversation between herself and Jag Bains happened shortly after the episode ended.
The live feeds returned much quicker than usual on Thursday night, all due to the HOH Competition finishing during the episode.
It allowed the live feed viewers to see reactions from the final four houseguests in real time.
Bowie Jane and Jag make a nomination plan
Bowie Jane went right to Jag to help her with the nominations. She didn’t want to put Jag on the block, meaning she planned to nominate Felicia Cannon and Matt Klotz.
But Bowie Jane didn’t have a good reason to put Matt on the block, so she went to Jag for some ideas. His idea was that Matt hasn’t been on the block yet, so she could present this in a way that would be fair.
While this chat happened in the bathroom, Matt was in the kitchen with Felicia getting ready for dinner. It appears that Felicia has recovered from her blow-up this week that led to the kitchen being closed.
This video clip shows part of the conversation between Jag and Bowie Jane.
Matt gets set up by Jag and Bowie Jane
Not content with just putting Matt on the block because he hadn’t been nominated before, Jag and Bowie Jane constructed an additional plan.
Jag came up with the idea to have Bowie Jane select a number between one and 100. Jag and Matt would then guess her number, and the person closest would stay off the block.
It was an easy enough premise and almost as fair as the Rock-Paper-Scissors idea. But they decided to cheat. Bowie Jane told Jag the number, and when they called Matt in, he had Matt select his number first.
Of course, Matt lost, meaning he would go on the block. Jag appeared to feel guilty almost immediately, but Matt volunteered to be nominated. He still trusts them to have his best interest in mind, even though Matt is in danger.
More from Big Brother 25
The nominations don’t matter as much as the Veto Competition in Week 14. The person who wins the Power of Veto has the most power, so Matt can find himself safe by winning it and coming off the block.
Less than a week remains in the Big Brother 25 season. Here is the schedule for the final BB25 episodes. It includes a bonus eviction night and a Memory Lane night.
Big Brother 25 is streaming on Paramount+.
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