
Cameron answers a question from Big Brother 25 jury house

Cameron Cowboy on BB25
Cameron Hardin played on Big Brother 25 and was named AFH. Pic credit: CBS

The Big Brother 25 season is winding down on CBS.

In addition to an intense Double Eviction coming up soon, jury members have begun answering questions from the jury house.

Cameron Hardin was up first after getting unanimously evicted. Again.

It took two tries for the houseguests to get rid of him, but he is now out of the running for the $750,000 prize.

Cameron does get to help decide the Big Brother 25 winner. He will return to the stage on finale night with everyone else who was previously evicted.

Even the houseguests who got sent home early will return for the party – except for expelled player Luke Valentine.

Cameron from the BB25 jury house

Cameron was asked what was his best moment in the BB25 house.

His answer isn’t too surprising. It was something he mentioned on the live feeds.

“Looking back, what was your best moment in the house,” Cameron read.

“When I kept the entire house believing that I was going to put up Jag and Blue on my second HOH reign, and I surprised everyone, not only with a pie in the face but to their amazement, I put up my arch nemesis, Izzy,” Cameron answered.

His response is accurate. During Week 6, Cameron was reeling from Red Utly getting evicted.

After their alliance turned on them, Cameron and Red got nominated by Jared Fields. Cameron won the Power of Veto and saved himself from the block, and Jag was named the replacement nominee. It was advertised that Jag was going home, but the houseguests voted out Red.

When Cameron took over as HOH, he didn’t know who to trust, and he began telling people he was going after Jag and Blue. He then nominated Felicia Cannon and Izzy Gleicher. Jared won the POV but decided to keep the nominees the same when Cameron hinted he would name Cirie Fields as the replacement nominee.

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Some excitement has gone down on the live feeds recently.

Felicia turned on Cirie to save herself, setting up some drama for how Big Brother 25 could turn out.

Cory Wurtenberger has been doing exit interviews after getting voted out. In a new interview, Cory said he is nervous about meeting America’s parents.

Two Big Brother winners also shaded Blue Kim about how she played the game. It has led to many online discussions about who deserves to win this season.

Here is the TV schedule for the final weeks of BB25.

Big Brother 25 airs Sunday at 10/9, Tuesday at 8/7c, and Thursday at 9/8c on CBS.

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