The Celebrity Big Brother 3 cast will be playing the game soon and producers should invite Kate Chastain from Below Deck to participate in the show.
We will likely get to see former athletes, reality show personalities, actors, actresses, and maybe even comedians when Big Brother: Celebrity Edition arrives this winter, so why not make one of the reality show people a very recognizable face?
Kate starred on Below Deck for the first seven seasons as the chief stewardess – alongside Captain Lee Rosbach for most of it. Below Deck continues to be a hit show for Bravo, with several spin-offs that have also done well with viewers.
And since Kate isn’t currently filming for Below Deck, maybe she has the time to spend a winter in the Big Brother house.
Why should Kate Chastain compete on Celebrity Big Brother 3 cast?
Kate has the personality of someone who won’t allow anyone to talk back to her or to talk badly about her. That’s the perfect recipe for someone on Big Brother who could not only make the live feeds interesting but lead to a lot of great TV moments for the show.
In addition to that, Kate Chastain has quite a few followers and fans who would love to see how she could do on Big Brother after watching her for years on Below Deck. Having a houseguest who might have viewers cheering for or against her could be a great way for producers to increase ratings.
Celebrity Big Brother coming to CBS during Winter 2022
Here is everything you need to know about Celebrity Big Brother 3.
Host Julie Chen Moonves and the social media accounts for Big Brother let fans know that a new season of CBB USA is coming this winter.
It’s exciting that CBS decided to bring back the celebrity version of the show, especially since we haven’t seen an installment since the Winter 2019 season. The network took a break from the show after there were problems getting celebrities to honor their contracts with the network.
The biggest hope from long-time fans of the show is that the producers will put together a group of houseguests that want to play out the full season this winter. That’s the first ingredient to make it very entertaining for the folks at home.
We should start finding out who the members of the Celebrity Big Brother 3 cast are during January 2022.
Celebrity Big Brother 3 debuts on CBS in Winter 2022.
who?! didn’t they say Celebrity ?!
get with the program Mama.. after this summers bb racist debacle their applicant pool is down to bottom barrel dimwits only. and anyway this is the highest caliber of white people cbs will allow on their “reality” shows these days (i.e., none that have a single clue of whats going on around them and therefor not a chance in hell at winning the game). pathetic.