
Curse of The Bermuda Triangle exclusive: Dave tips TRIG team about Bahamian sea monster Lusca

Dave Cziko
Dave learns of the Lusca, a mysterious creature purported to live in the Bahamian deep blue holes in the Bermuda Triangle. Pic credit: Science Channel

On Sunday’s no miss edition of Curse of the Bermuda Triangle, the guys investigate the lore of the Lusca in the Bahamas blue holes.  The exclusive preview we have below tells the tales of dead men in the stunning deep blue waters of the Bahamas, but why?

Sea monsters allegedly live in the Bahamian isle of Andros where the famous blue holes are.  These deep sinkholes drop sharply into bedrock and descend far down into submerged cave systems that can spread out for miles, mostly unexplored for good reason.

There are hundreds of these blue holes there, and they are quite dangerous for divers who experience disorientation and fall prey to rip currents.

And…the Lusca? A fearsome sea monster that is said to live in these protected and hard to access holes.

Bahamian locals swear by the existence of this sea creature called the Lusca, and they describe it as a cross between a predatory octopus and shark with a voracious appetite for anything that moves.

Watch as Dave convinces the TRIG team the Lusca is something to consider, especially during their frightening dive into one deep blue hole.

Who is in the Bermuda Triangle Research and Investigation Group, or TRIG team?

The Bermuda Triangle Research and Investigation Group leader is a long-time captain and former Coast Guardsman Paul “Moe” Mottice. He’s joined by his first mate and engineer Mike Still, who has spent thousands of hours inside the Bermuda Triangle, at his side.

Also joining them is Chuck Meier, a former Navy rescue diver, sheriff’s deputy, and military contractor, who will take the reins of the investigation both on land and underwater. In addition, there’s Dave Cziko, a former Army Cavalry scout and rescue diver, who will help them explore the ocean floor for clues and evidence to support their theories.

What’s so unique about the Bermuda Triangle?

Unexplained circumstances and unlikely naval and airplane accidents include one in which the pilots of a squadron of U.S. Navy bombers became disoriented in the air zone, their planes never found.

Other boats and planes have vanished from the area in good weather, without radioing distress messages, yet people navigate the waters every day without any reported incident.

Inconsistent, yet disturbing reports of “vanished in thin air” boats and planes — enough of them to warrant the moniker Devil’s Triangle — another name for the area.

This area is approximately 500,000 square miles of ocean off the southeastern tip of Florida. Even explorer Christopher Columbus reportedly noted strange goings-on in the area. Renowned seaman Joshua Slocum disappeared on a 1909 voyage from Martha’s Vineyard (Massachusetts) heading to South America — many people believing it was in the area of the Triangle that he perished.

History recorded the March 1918 event of the USS Cyclops, a 542-foot-long Navy cargo ship with over 300 men vanishing. “Only God and the sea know what happened to the great ship,” U.S. President Woodrow Wilson later said.

Watch our exclusive preview of Curse of Bermuda Triangle

Watch as the TRIG team explores a deep Bermuda Triangle lagoon and discover that they are not alone. This is after Dave did all the research on the infamous Lusca sea monster of the Bahamian blue holes.

Curse Of The Bermuda Triangle airs Sunday at 10/9c on Science Channel.

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4 years ago

These guys are gorgeous! Especially liked the methane episode?

4 years ago

Trying to find out who the narrator of the series is.

4 years ago

regarding the clothes and broken diving equipment found in the cave, was that evidence turned in to the authorities and if so, were they able to connect it with any missing divers?

Jane Toop
Jane Toop
3 years ago

Dear Gu,y`s, I was watching the Flight 19 episode, and had an idea,there are millions of small underwater volcanoes over the world, and they maybe the problem as they will let out methane at times.

Jane Toop
Jane Toop
3 years ago

if at all possibleI would love to meet the TRIG team.

Jane Toop
Jane Toop
3 years ago

The narrator or Curse of the Bermuda Triangle is Ryan Mill