
Darcey Silva shares video of herself, gets slammed for doing too much to her face

Darcey and Stacey Season 2
The Silva twins are back for Season 2

With the return of the Darcey and Stacey show on TLC, Darcey is showing off her new face and fans are having some very strong reactions.

Darcey Silva isn’t really known for her understated, natural aesthetic, but her latest post reveals a drastically different new look, and her followers have decided they don’t really like it.

Although she has never been secretive about her love for plastic surgery and fillers, so many of the people who commented on the post seem surprised she would continue to augment her looks.

Darcey Silva’s full glam post gets some heated reactions

Season 2 promises to chronicle their plastic surgery journey, but it seems like Darcey is posting some pictures of the results. In the short video, Darcey is in full glam and a full face of makeup and there is a pretty heavy filter applied, making her look pretty different and Instagram users are leaving some nasty comments.

While there are a few supportive posts, by and large, the reaction has been really, really nasty. A lot of the feedback centers on how different she looks and disappointment in her for working so hard to change how she looks.

Darcey and Stacey Silva
Darcey gets some feedback on her new look. Pic credit: @DarceySilva Instagram

Some of the feedback on Darcey’s post was really insulting

Darcey Silva
This post compares Darcey to a clown. Pic credit: @DarceySilva/Instagram

Some posters even scolded her for being what they consider a terrible role model for her teenage girls. It only gets worse from there. Comments ranged from clown emojis to comparisons to drag queens to concern for her supposed body dysmorphia.

Some of the commenters took a softer approach, prefacing their very mean comments with a less mean preface. While you could admire the attempt at diplomacy, it’s still strangers commenting on a woman’s looks.

Darcey Silva
This poster likes Darcey’s old nose. Pic credit: @DarceySilva/Instagram

We know that Darcey is reading the comments or at least some of them, because she replied to some, mostly the ones saying how beautiful she is. It’s a nice thought to think that she just skipped over the more insulting comments, but there is a really good chance she’s read every single one.

Darcey Silva
This post claims Darcey doesn’t look like herself. Pic credit: @DarceySilva/Instagram

Both Darcey and Stacey have been completely open about their lives, and audiences have seen some of the best and worst times of their lives. It’s hard to watch these ladies fall under such scrutiny, especially since they are such good sports and are always in on the joke.

Darcey Silva
At least this one says Darcey is pretty. Pic credit:@DarceySilva/Instagram

Darcey seems like the kind of TV personality who could shake this kind of feedback off, even if she can’t avoid it. So here’s hoping these comments weren’t too damaging.

Darcey and Stacey Season 2 airs Mondays at 8/7c on TLC.

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