
Darcey & Stacey recap: Fights and flights

Darcey and Georgi
The latest episode of Darcey & Stacey was tumultuous. Pic credit: TLC

While there were some calm moments on the latest episode of Darcey & Stacey, most of the episode consisted of fights and uncomfortable feelings between Darcey & Georgi.

The deep flaws in their relationship were spoken about, and they left things on a bad note before Darcey traveled to Turkey for plastic surgery.

Stacey and Florian’s fertility appointment also took place.

The fights between Darcey Silva and Georgi Rusev were bad on Darcey & Stacey

The episode began in a fight between Georgi and Darcey and Stacey’s friend Debbie over the American trash comments and Georgi allegedly saying that he would leave Darcey when she had no more money.

Georgi put those notions to bed for the group, and everyone agreed to drop the whole thing.

Before Darcey had her daughters over for dinner, Georgi and Darcey fought about a trivial situation that happened the day before, and they made no progress in solving their issues.

Problems compounded later when Darcey told Georgi she was still talking to his ex-wife Octavia for information. Georgi became very mad that Darcey was still going behind his back and asserted that they have no respect, no trust, and no communication in their relationship, and that’s why it’s so bad.

Georgi Rusev
Georgi detailed why they are not working together. Pic credit: TLC

As Darcey and Stacey were leaving for the airport, Georgi complimented Stacey and said that she had fewer wrinkles than Darcey. He followed that up by telling Darcey that she creates problems and that he will take the time apart to think.

Darcey left for the trip on the notion that she will not be treated in the bad way she perceives Georgi treats her and that she will come back snatched.

A few interesting moments outside Darcey Silva and Georgi Rusev drama happened

Stacey and Florian went to the fertility doctor, who told them that Stacey has a cyst on her ovary. The doctor said that they would have to wait on the blood test results to know more.

Stacey and Florian
Stacey and Florian were unsettled by the news of a cyst on Stacey’s ovary. Pic credit: TLC

When Darcey and Georgi had Aniko and Aspen over for dinner, Darcey asked the girls how they felt about her trip to Turkey to get more surgery. Aniko asked what if she gets botched, and Darcey wouldn’t answer.

In a private interview, Darcey’s daughters said they’ve lost track of all Darcey’s surgeries and said they both want to remain natural.

Darcey & Stacey airs on Mondays at 8/7c on TLC.

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