
Deavan Clegg trashes Jihoon Lee, says mom Elicia in tears after 90 Day Fiance fans lash out

Deavan Clegg blames editing for how her daughter is portrayed
Deavan Clegg defends her mom Elicia. Pic credit: TLC

Deavan Clegg and her mom Elicia are getting a lot of backlash on social media after the recent episode of 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way, but Deavan is defending herself and Elicia against the attacks.

The issue stems from an incident involving Deavan’s daughter, Drascilla.

After a day of fun with the family, the then-3-year-old ran off, despite screams from her mom and grandmother to stop.

Jihoon chased after the child and she was soon back with the family, but the fact that Jihoon was blamed for the incident had fans fuming.

Many viewers felt that the women’s reaction was completely unnecessary, especially after seeing Jihoon break down in tears after the incident.

Deavan says her mom is in tears

After the episode aired, fans were quick to lash out at the mother and daughter for their treatment of Jihoon.

The Utah native went on Instagram live to explain.

“Normally, I don’t explain an episode when something isn’t seen on camera,” Deavan said.

“But it’s the fact that my mom is in tears right now that’s really upsetting because no one actually knows what happened because they didn’t catch it on camera what really happened and why we were upset.”

The mom-of-two claimed that they had finished filming for the day and their microphones were off, so there were things viewers didn’t see.

She said that Jihoon should have been watching Drascilla as she was bringing the baby to the car.

Jihoon was supposedly on his phone playing a game when her daughter bolted and he started to chase her.  “As he’s running, he stops midway as a car is approaching Drascilla and he turns around and he starts screaming at me,” Deavan noted.

“At this point, my mom witnesses a car basically coming at Drascilla as he’s cursing at me. And that’s what happened. And then [Drascilla] stopped, she listened and came back.”

Deavan said that none of that was caught on film, but the incident was followed by another scene of them in the street telling a producer what had just taken place.

Deavan says editing is putting her family’s life in danger

The 23-year-old also said that editing is to blame for how her daughter is portrayed on the show. “I know that editing can make things look more dramatized and I know I signed up for this,” she explained.

“And I agreed to editing that may be a little more dramatized…but I didn’t agree to editing that puts my family’s life in danger. And these past two episodes have put my family’s life in danger.”

“I’ve been upset with edits before. I haven’t been vocal about it too much. But the edits are just getting so bad on my daughter that it’s disgusting and it’s disheartening.”

She continued, “My kids, I’m not going to put them on TV anymore. That’s my fault, I should have never put them on TV.”

90 Day Fiance: The Other Way airs Mondays at 8/7c on TLC.

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Shelly Leftwich
Shelly Leftwich
4 years ago

When Editing makes them look good they are all for it , when something is clearly their fault they blame editing ! This was NOT his fault I would cursing too if I was scared out of my mind and was being blamed for it all !
This was all their faults !

2 years ago

An American man would have told this strange chick with the flat affect, to hit the road by now. She knows she can pull this dramatic garbage on a young Asian boy. How she has disrupted and embarrassed his family Grotesque..

2 years ago

I love America, but Deavan and especially her weird, trashy mommy, make me cringe. The epitome of the ugly American. Too bad Devan is so creepy – she is such a beautiful girl, but if I were Jihoon, I’d run for the Korean hills..

2 years ago

Delavan has forced herself upon a Young boy and his parents. This is the first time I am watching 90 Days and I cannot believe how grotesque Americans can be while traveling abroad I am the quintessential proud patriot, but rude, morose .Deavan and her trashy momma & that sex crazed homewrecking Jenny – her reaction to the holy cow blessing their new home was just one example of ‘ugly-American -ness’ – make me embarrassed. They should both go home to the states and stop ruining these men’s lives!!

2 years ago
Reply to  BigElectricCat

Sorry ’bout autocorrect changing ‘Deavan’ to ‘Delavan’.