
Devin Strader breaks silence to defend himself against Jenn Tran split claims

Devin Strader on The Bachelorette
Devin Strader is defending himself after Jenn Tran blasted him. Pic credit: ABC

It took nearly a week since The Bachelorette finale but finally, Devin Strader is speaking out about his relationship with Jenn Tran.

The last time we saw them, Jenn was at After the Final Rose telling The Bachelorette viewers a very upsetting story about breaking up with Devin almost immediately after cameras stopped rolling.

It all went down on stage with Jesse Palmer as Jenn told shocked viewers about how Devin started pulling away and cried as she spoke about how hard she tried to make it work.

But, according to Devin, that’s not really how it all went down.

After letting viewers stew for a week, he uploaded a lengthy message explaining himself, complete with screenshots to prove that The Bachelorette breakup was not completely one-sided.

Then, roughly two hours after it went up, Devin deleted the post, edited sensitive information out of it, and reposted it. The version seen below is the edited version.

Devin Strader defended himself against Jenn Tran’s breakup claims

“I know there are plenty of people upset with me right now,” Devin began his newest Instagram video.

“But I wanted to come on here and hopefully try to give a little more context into the situation due to the things being said about me. All I’m going to do here is share my side, take accountability,y and apologize for some of the things that I wasn’t able to say at AFR.”

Devin made sure to clarify that he was telling his “truth” and was not trying to disparage Jenn in any way.

He explained, “All I’m trying to do here is show that this was a two-way relationship. And I think we can both be held accountable. I’m in no way sitting here trying to say I was perfect throughout that relationship but I am looking to clear up a few rumors and the false narrative that is being said about me.”

Devin went on to say that he was trying to show his “perspective” as he made a case that the break up was mutual and that before ATFR, Jenn even texted him to tell him that she was not trying to get back together and to reassure him that they were on good terms.

Devin denies many of Jenn’s accusations and clears up some of the details

Another point Devin made is that he did, in fact, go to relationship counseling with Jenn and explained that he stopped going when she fired the first therapist without even talking to him.

He also shared that, while he did break up with Jenn during a 15-minute phone call, he initially planned to do it at the next Happy Couple Weekend but that Jenn forced it out of him and made him do it over the phone rather than wait.

With Devin finally breaking his silence after a week of getting raked over the coals, we’re hoping (and honestly, expecting) a response from Jenn.

Then again, she’s been keeping busy with her Jonathon Johnson reunion and Dancing With the Stars rehearsal, so maybe she won’t.

The Bachelorette is currently on hiatus on ABC.

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