Dorit Kemsley is working hard for that Season 14 diamond and bringing all the smoke for Queen B, Kyle Richards.
It’s not looking hopeful for a reconciliation between the once-closed friends because Dorit just slammed the brunette beauty as “manipulative” and “calculated.”
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star shared a lengthy text message Kyle conveniently sent her the night before the reunion — after not speaking to her for months.
The text has since gone public, and fans are chiming in on the moment that will play out in its entirety at the reunion.
However, critics are not the only ones, who have something to say about Kyle’s message.
Her friend Erika Jayne was the first cast member that Dorit told about the exchange as the RHOBH reunion teaser shows the two women discussing it in their dressing room.
Erika and Kyle are still close friends, but even the Pretty Mess singer agreed with Dorit’s choice of words after reading the message.
Here’s why Dorit Kemsley says Kyle Richards is ‘manipulative’
The RHOBH reunion teaser features a revelation by Dorit during a conversation with Erika.
“There’s stuff with Kyle and I that’s going on, it hurts and bothers me the most,” admits Dorit.
The mom of two mentioned Kyle’s interview– which Monsters and Critics reported on in January– where she said Dorit exaggerated the extent of their friendship.
Dorit revealed that they hadn’t talked for a few months, that is until Kyle reached out the night before the reunion.
“She sends me a text yesterday, basically trying to silence me,” says the Beverly Beach founder. “It was so manipulative. It was so calculated.”
RHOBH star Erika Jayne weighs in on Kyle’s shady message
The camera zoomed in on Dorit’s phone, but they didn’t have to because Erika had no problem reading out the lengthy text where Kyle urges Dorit not to bring up their drama at the reunion.
“I don’t want to lose someone else in my life over a TV show,” wrote the OG in part. “They don’t even know we are going through a hard time so I don’t see the need in bringing it up there.”
She then tells Dorit they can have a sit-down, after the reunion.
“How would you feel if you got this message,” Dorit asks Erika.
“I would feel manipulated,” she responds.
Meanwhile, don’t expect Dorit to give in to Kyle and stay silent at the reunion, because that’s not going to happen.
She brought up the Painkiller singer’s comment to Andy Cohen about eviscerating Kyle at the reunion, like, he’s done to everyone else, and exclaimed, “Fair is fair; this is the reunion!”
Do you think Kyle was trying to manipulate Dorit? Sound off in the comments below.
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on Bravo.
I believe that Kyle has a right to do what’s best for herself and her children. I also feel that if you share something with a friend and asks for privacy a real friend will oblige. They will keep it private. Obviously that is not Dorit. These women pry for answers to their questions but when you go through life changing things I don’t think for their well being and mentally they should have to divulge everything. Leave her a lone unless you’re a true friend and can have her back!!
Dorit doesn’t have a story line at all. Kyle needs to delete Dorit from her phone and move on.
No, the reason is, no one knows the truth of whatever is going on. It’s sounds like maybe Kyle was betrayed too by her friend. I am thinking something might have happen between Dorit and Kyle’s husband. Women don’t drop kick their friends unless it is a serious reason. Dorit is good at putting a spin on words. Hard to believe her. She manipulates using words a lot.
Absolutely! Not speaking to Doritt for months then the night before the reunion Kyle tries to silence Doritt. So manipulative! Kyle has changed and not for the better!
Kyle does every time b4 a reunion…….she’ll even say sorry to some or tries to shut them down..she is the biggest liar out of them all……always saying she is in a bad place….well Kyle you didn’t have to on the show but I suppose of course you do money talks heh
I quit watching this year. Kyle needs to grow up and return to Mo! They were a beautiful couple. And I hated how especially Sutton kept badgering Kyle on her marriage. None of anyones business. But I will watch the reunion.
100 percent!!! N yet that’s what they said about LVP!!! Turn about is fair play!!!
Yes, I am tried Kyle behavior get you life together
Absolutely! Kyle has morphed into Morgan, replicating all her interests. Since Dorit doesn’t do those things does not allow Kyle to rewrite history how tight their friendship was. Kyle is now a proven liar, but more importantly, going through a major internal life crisis. She nuked her entire life, marriage, family, then eludes to Moe losing her trust to look like the victim. Sorry but she’s the on who pulled the pin and threw the grenade at her life.
She’s really going through hell right now. If your a good friend of Kyle’s give her a pass on this one.
Of course she’s trying to manipulate her but I don’t blame her. Dumb Dorit is so desperate to stay on the show that Kyle couldn’t be dumb enough to think she’d throw her under a bus if she stays employed. I just hope someone has the same energy at Dorit and her husband for the very shady business practices and her desperation to do anything maybe even orchestrate a home invasion where the “robbers”leave her cell phone for her to call cops on site. Just like Camille brought up before, something stinks with her no storyline minus Lucy Lucy and Home Invasion. Kyle may have gifted her another season with this text but maybe the entire extent of her facade will be exposed if she’s aimed her target at Kyle. Afterall wasn’t she and Mo accused of an affair prior to Kyle dropping her and separating from him? Maybe it’s just the overtly friendly way they conduct themselves and while Pk is away her slutty neighbor Mauricio goes over to play. Whether it’s a popular sentiment to support Kyle or not, I hope she exposes him and drops that fake Dorit and her phony accent and somehow Bravo takes out the trash this season with Erika too. It might be fun to unpause some of the others as long as it’s not Rings and her ball of unhinged crazy. I would love for LVP and Kyle to reconcile and both esp LVP to have some humility and responsibility for previous disagreements.
Can’t wait to see Kyle get a new hole ripped into her bumm. Always thinking how much better she is. Rip those extensions & fake eyelashes off. Wash off the old lady makeup. You’ll find a 12 yr old bratty bully. Kim her sister at least tries to help herself. Now Mauricio left the building
No, I do not. Kyle HAS lost family and friends from these reunions—She and Dorit should discuss in private 1st, with no damn cameras around! I like to know what is going on, just like everyone else, but unlike some, I also believe they each still should have some provacy to work out issues, BEFORE having to discuss on camera!
I think Kyle is trying to have some kind of privacy while she works out her new life. I do believe that Kyle and dorit were close friends but there was also a reason why Kyle did not trust her during the season. Not surprised that Dorit would take exception to that!
Of course Kyle was being manipulative……when is she not?? The only difference between Kyle and her sisters is Kyle is sly like a snake while Kathy and Kim let you know exactly where you stand with them. Kyle thinks her face is so pretty she wants to show it off on both sides of her head!
Dorit,Dorit, OMG, I still haven’t figured out your story line, is it PK eating 2 bags of chips, taking selfies, financial issues, we all need a Dorit Mute Button bcuz you are so predictably boring & fake af. Even PK has carried his ass across the sea to retreat from the delusion known as Dorit. Of course Kyle said your unfriendship was not that deep. I honestly believe Kyle put in the work regarding friendships, career, children , marriage etc. The only work you do is ??? Oh putting your drawn out explanation of other ppl conversations, or how you were somehow disrespected by another castmate. You have no storyline. But maybe comic relief & pointing out a person sweater is upside-down. There is an old proverb. ” Better for someone to keep their mouth shut & let others think they are a FOOL than to open it & remove ALL doubts.
I think that there is truth to the Mauricio Doris affair and that is the strain in their friendship-
Oh for Pete’s sake! Dorit calm down! Kyle asked to speak to you after about your issues. Why be so petty and stir the pot on a reunion. You have too much time on your hands.
Absolutely. Kyle try’s to come off as the heroine victim always misunderstood by all but she is just plain mean at times and time always proves that.
Can’t stand Kyle !! She has always been manipulative , deceitful, underhanded,snake
It all goes back to LVP she wanted to be the star Kyle could not stand it that everyone adored LVP not her . Kyle was always playing both sides creating drama stirring the pot
She didn’t care she lost her friendship with LVP. She wanted what Lisa was to the show the star . So she helped create puppy gate .
She tried to turn all the ladies against zLV P
LVP left got her own show did even better!Go Lisa . I never watched Beverly Hills after Lisa left . Kyle is yesterdays imitation trash and old !!
Kyle has always been 2 faced, manipulated, self centered & doesn’t care about anyone but herself! Bring us the real tea Dorit with yr 2faced self
Not at all,she didn’t want to discuss ut to the world,I don’t blame her..Dorit I would not consider her a good friend at all….
The problem with all of the Rhob is they
All talk about each other!
While some do seem to be true friends
The majority of them are shade throwers
Some of them more gifted at it than the rest! I guess when you have everything
You want and money to buy it you have
To do something !
It really does prove that you can’t
Buy class to bad because they are
In short supply of it!
My self and all of my friends agree. Kyle is turning into and old fame hag….She thinks she manipulate any of the ladies especially with her on cue TEARS…Sorry Bravo,but you’re viewers are getting tired of Kyle…
We understand it’s hard to share your real life but it’s more relatable for fans to understand. Don’t hide! We all have our faults.
It sounds like Kyle is hiding something, but be sure it’s imperative to the show cause Kyle has been talking about leaving, and both Lisa’s have left the show. Do u think the show will go on w/o
Hell yes it’s manipulative.
No , Dorit loves drama . Dorit wasn’t relevant this year…
No dorit slept with kyles husband