
Faith Martin explains why she wouldn’t date Gerry Turner again after The Golden Bachelor

Gerry Turner and Faith Martin on The Golden Bachelor
Faith Martin doesn’t want Gerry Turner back. Pic credit: ABC

If Gerry Turner came calling, Faith Martin would probably turn him down.

The pair met and fell in love on The Golden Bachelor, but Gerry broke Faith’s heart when he sent her packing before the premiere season’s finale.

Now that Gerry is divorcing Theresa Nist just months after they got married, there has been some speculation about what The Golden Bachelor star might do next.

He was recently featured in an episode of The Kardashians when Kris Jenner invited him for a family dinner.

He recently signed with an agency and could pop up in more TV shows or movies.

There were even rumors that Gerry had already returned to dating — a rumor that he quickly shut down.

One thing Gerry won’t be doing is rekindling his romance with his third-place finisher.

Faith Martin on whether she’d date Gerry Turner again

Faith recently appeared on the Bachelor Happy Hour: Golden Hour podcast hosted by her former co-stars, Susan Noles and Kathy Swarts.

While there, they talked about their time on The Golden Bachelor, and Faith was asked if she’d ever consider giving Gerry another chance.

“No, I don’t think I would,” Faith began. “I love Gerry. I thought there was something so different about him that I totally appreciated. Honestly speaking, we were pretty darn compatible in a lot of ways. As much as I felt for him, my intuition would lead me to believe that it’s probably [for the best].”

That seems to be how many of The Golden Bachelor women feel now that Gerry is single again. A few have spoken up to take shots at Gerry, and one even suggested that she “dodged a bullet.”

So far, none of the women have admitted that they’d like to give him another chance.

Faith Martin says she ‘could’ve married Gerry’

Even though Faith talked about her intuition and said she wasn’t trying for a round two, she did say she reaches out via text “every now and then.” She also clarified that she’ll “always be there” for The Golden Bachelor star after they bonded on the show.

Faith also admitted that if she had won The Golden Bachelor and received Gerry’s proposal, things might have worked out better than they did with Theresa.

She said, “I probably could’ve married Gerry, and we’d probably be pretty darn happy. I guess knowing what I know now, I think he really comes from an analytical side instead of leading his life with his heart, and that just doesn’t work for me.”

Faith added, “I feel like he made a decision out of the logical choice and not his heart. I lead my whole life with my heart.”

It sounds like Faith’s decision not to go after Gerry again is a good one. After all, she clarified that she also didn’t want to move and leave her family.

The Golden Bachelor is currently on hiatus on ABC.

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