
Haters of 90 Day Fiance’s Tania have flared up a discussion about her and Syngin

Tania and Syngin
Tania has earned herself some haters, and they came together to talk about what they dislike about her and her relationship with Syngin. Pic credit: TLC

90 Day Fiance fans who are not fond of Tania aired out their frustrations and annoyances about her and her relationship with Syngin in a Reddit discussion.

The title of the thread is, “I really hate Tania.” The subsequent discussion touches on all the things about her that either had fans laughing at her expense or feeling very frustrated.

Tania has a strong personality and is very opinionated, so throughout the years that she has been appearing within the 90 Day Fiance franchise with Syngin she has amassed a large group of haters.

She does still have a lot of people that love and support her, but this thread was started by her haters.

90 Day Fiance fans aired their frustrations about Tania

The discussion about Tania was sparked by a 90 Day Fiance fan who was watching the 90 Day Journey about Tania and Syngin, and they felt the need to vent their issues with Tania.

Among different points they made, this Reddit discussion maker gave an example of what irks them about Tania when they said, “I hate her with a passion. I feel so bad for Syngin while she’s hoe-ing out in Costa Rica and he just wants a simple call or text to know when she’s home. Like she’s so selfish.”

Reddit thread about Tania Maduro
A 90 Day Fiance fan started a Reddit thread about their disliking of Tania. Pic credit: @u/leather_somewhere_85/Reddit

The discussion after this initial ice breaker was a barrage of things that viewers did not like about Tania, whether situational or about her personality.

One person talked about the fact that Tania moved into Syngin’s apartment and bossed around his roommates after initially being a one-night stand.

Reddit thread about Tania Maduro
Tania’s haters discussed some of their frustrations. Pic credit: @u/leather_somewhere_85/Reddit

Other fans recalled the awkward dinner she had with Syngin’s family where they fought in front of his family, and she would not stop crying and eating steak.

Reddit thread about Tania Maduro
Tania’s haters talked about a particular situation that annoyed them. Pic credit: @u/leather_somewhere_85/Reddit

Other people talked about how they don’t understand her persona and think her “woke” complex is annoying.

Reddit thread about Tania Maduro
Tania’s haters continued their opinions of Tania. Pic credit: @u/leather_somewhere_85/Reddit

Tania and Syngin are 90 Day Fiance franchise staples

The fact that Tania has so many haters and Syngin has so many people that love him is the main reason why they are still a big part of the 90 Day Fiance franchise.

They recently appeared on Foody Call, where they answered some spicy and sexual questions while cooking a native South African dish.

Whether fans love or hate Tania, she is still highly talked about and will most likely continue to appear in the franchise.

90 Day: Foody Call is available to stream on Discovery+.

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3 years ago

I was “out” when Tania said that Syngin was not her “soul mate!” No? Then why are you with him, and made him leave his home and family?

deborah altug
deborah altug
3 years ago

tania and syngin story was years ago.. why is all this being brought up again now…