
Here are the major takeaways from the 90 Day: The Single Life Tell All

Tania Maduro and Veronica Rodriguez
A lot went down at The Single Life Tell All. Pic credit: TLC

The 3 Part Tell All for 90 Day: The Single Life was nothing short of dramatic with many tense moments and a lot to take away.

Each cast member was put in the hot seat and some handled it better than others.

In any case, some situations got resolved while others got even more conflated.

There were also a few surprising reveals during the Tell All and some notable appearances from those both close to the cast and at odds.

To kick things off, Tania Maduro, admitted to having a female love interest back in Aruba and confronted the question of why she didn’t want to make a divorce with Syngin Colchester official.

To that end, she got into an argument with Debbie Johnson about it, which was only compounded when Tania revealed she brought a notary to the Tell All to finalize her divorce, triggering Debbie to call her a liar.

Tiffany Franco had a nasty exchange with her estranged husband Ronald which resulted in him punching the camera. Tiffany attested that she was done with Ronald, proud of herself for getting to that point, and starting the divorce process. Furthermore, her potential suitor, Dan, made an appearance and the pair were smitten.

Several fights went down on the 90 Day: The Single Life Tell All

Caesar Mack proclaimed that he had broken up with his Ukrainian girlfriend, Alona, and was in a new relationship with two Ukrainian women who he wanted to impregnate. Natalie Mordovtseva grew very angry about Caesar’s views and treatment of Ukrainian women and called him “disgusting.”

Several other cast members took issue with Caesar’s obsession with Ukrainian women but host Shaun Robinson moved on and brought Alona out virtually. Caesar was moved by seeing her again and the pair stated their interest in getting back together.

Debbie was very opinionated about everyone’s business and rubbed Natalie’s love interest, Josh Weinstein the wrong way.

Debbie also got into a heated argument with her son Colt Johnson about the state of their relationship and Colt screamed at her which prompted Debbie’s boyfriend Tony to scream back at him. In the end, Debbie and Colt hugged it out but agreed they were at an impasse.

Tim and Veronica got into it with Jesse Meester after he was brought on virtually to talk about their friction from the last Tell All.

The future is ambiguous for some cast members

Tim threw shade at Justi–, the guy Veronica had been interested in– and threw even more shade when Kimberly Menzies’ son Jamal was revealed to be Veronica’s new beau. Jamal resented the hate and defended himself. He and Veronica left on good terms with Veronica hopeful to keep seeing Jamal.

The cast members felt that Veronica liked Jamal more than he liked her.

Natalie came face to face with both Mike Youngquist and Josh and ended up sitting in Mike’s lap and hugging him as Mike had an uncomfortable expression on his face. Mike’s mom Trish then came out and said Natalie was a user and warned Josh to stay away from her.

Mike and Natalie both agreed that Natalie shouldn’t be in any relationship at the moment and needed to heal. Mike’s mom said Mike was moving for a divorce.

90 Day: The Single Life is currently on hiatus.

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