Big Brother 25 alum Izzy Gleicher is having fun for Halloween.
Izzy and her girlfriend dressed as a BB25 showmance to celebrate the holiday.
Izzy got sent home before the jury phase, but she will return to the stage on finale night.
All previously evicted houseguests get to come back for the reunion hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.
That’s also the night when the BB25 jury will reveal the $750,000 winner.
Julie will likely ask Izzy why she kept the secret about Cirie Fields and Jared Fields.
Izzy Gleicher celebrates Big Brother for Halloween
“Happy Halloween from the ghosts of fun feeds past,” reads the caption from Izzy’s new Instagram post.
Izzy is dressed as America Lopez, while her girlfriend, Paige Seber, plays Cory Wurtenberger.
Paige is even sporting a mustache for the costume, as well as a pink hat that has become recognizable to Big Brother fans.
A series of photos are shared with the post, with Izzy and Paige posing for the camera.
Survivor and Big Brother alums enjoyed Izzy’s post
The comment section for Izzy’s post has filled up with people loving the pictures. Survivor and Big Brother alums even shared in the fun.
“Fantastic, no notes,” wrote Claire Rehfuss from Big Brother 23.
“YOU WIN HALLOWEEN,” posted Tommy Bracco from Big Brother 21.
“Absolutely incredible,” noted Zach Wurtenberger from Survivor.
Zach is Cory’s brother. He has been referenced numerous times by Cory on the Big Brother live feeds.
It appears that Cory’s mom also weighed in on the post.
“I knew we were going to be best friends from the first time I saw you and Cory have a conversation!” wrote Stephanie Wurtenberger.

More from Big Brother
Cory Wurtenberger spoke about meeting America’s parents during one of his exit interviews. He is nervous about the big moment coming on finale night.
America Lopez hinted at being a bitter juror when voting on a winner. She was very upset about getting sent to the jury house but even madder when Cory got evicted.
America also shaded Bowie Jane in her exit interview. She is pretty upset by how Bowie Jane played Big Brother this season.
Izzy, Cory, and America will all return to the Big Brother stage for the November 9 episode. That’s also the night when Julie announces America’s Favorite Houseguest.
Previous episodes of Big Brother are available for streaming through Paramount+.
Big Brother 25 airs Sunday at 10/9c, Tuesday at 8/7c, and Thursday at 9/8c on CBS.
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It wasn’t much of a season. Follow the leader and no big plays , makes for poor watching for us. No one did thier own thing , they all followed the leader. Yuck