
Jamie Otis shares video of unresponsive son, explains why Doug Hehner filmed the emergency situation

Jamie Otis
Jamie Otis ‘mama instincts’ help to save her son. Pic credit: @jamienotis/Instagram

Married at First Sight veteran Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner recently had a terrifying emotional experience with their young son, Hendrix. 

Doug Hehner captured footage of their son becoming unresponsive, and Jamie shared the video with followers to encourage mothers to trust their instinct. 

Fortunately, Hendrix was able to get the necessary help and is now doing fine. 

Jamie Otis shares heartbreaking video with son Hendrix 

Jamie Otis took to Instagram to share a raw video of her holding her son. 

Hendrix appeared still in her arms as Jamie tried to get him to react; however, Hendrix remained still, and his eyes began to roll back as Jamie reiterated to Doug that there was something off with their son. 

The video ended with Jamie telling Doug to call 911 as she believed her son was seizing. 

Jamie added a caption to the emotional video where she detailed the situation.

The MAFS star wrote, “This was just moments before my baby became unresponsive, stopped breathing and his lips turned blue.? We had just got done hiking the badlands in South Dakota. He seemed completely fine during our hike. He wanted to be held which was off for him, but he had no signs of being even slightly sick.”

Jamie detailed her ‘mama instincts,’ stating, “I wasn’t sure if I was being ‘paranoid’ or ‘anxious’ but my mama instincts were telling me something was ‘off’ with him. I just wasn’t sure what? I had a work phone call when we got home so I went in the bedroom while Doug fed the kids dinner. When I came out Doug said Rexy seemed fine & even ate dinner. I held him on the couch and felt him. He felt a little warm to me so I checked his temp. He had a mild fever of 101.4.”

Jamie continued, “We IMMEDIATELY gave him Tylenol bc he’s had febrile seizures before. I hoped we had caught it in time. Apparently, we did not. And this time it wasn’t quite the same as before. With his previous seizures he’d twitch a lot, moan lightly, & foam at the mouth a little or throw up a little. This time, his legs twitched briefly, his eyes had no focus and rolled to the back of his head, and then he stopped breathing for what seemed like forever.”

Expressing how terrifying the situation was, Jamie shared, “I tried to stay calm for my daughter, but when I looked down at my baby with a grey face, blue lips, a limp body – completely unresponsive, not even twitching – I lost it. I genuinely thought he was dying.? I ran out of our RV and screamed ‘help!!!!’ like a maniac bc I thought we’d need to do CPR.”

Thanking those who helped Hendrix, Jamie wrote, “Doug was on the phone with 911 the whole time & they worked so hard to get to us quickly. Interior, South Dakota emergency personnel, THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS!??❤️Once Hendrix became responsive and stable again Doug looked at me and said, ‘you have some instincts!’”

Jamie concluded her caption with an important message, writing, “Mamas, even if you think you’re being ‘paranoid’ or ‘anxious’ — trust your instincts.?❤️” 

Jamie Otis explains why Doug Hehner filmed the scary moment 

Jamies’ friends, followers, and fellow MAFS stars shared their support and concern in the comment section of her post. 

A follower commented, “I don’t know how Doug stayed so calm to continue to film. That phone would’ve been launched across the room! I’m so glad he’s ok.” 

Jamie replied to the comment and explained, “we are trying to capture the seizure to make sure doctors really can SEE the whole picture bc they keep saying it’s ‘common’…. And we want to believe it’s ‘fine’ but its hard to know if they even know what really is going on bc every time they see him he’s just lethargic but basically back to his normal self…so we wanted to film it to show the doc but I didn’t know where my phone was so he had to stop to call 911.” 

Jamie Otis' comment section
Pic credit: @jamienotis/Instagram

Jamie and Doug were thankfully able to rely on one another during the emergency as they continue to look out for their precious family and trust their instincts. 

Married at First Sight premieres Wednesday, July 6, on Lifetime.  

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2 years ago

Oh my God Jamie and Doug I’m so sorry that this happened but so glad that he’s OK my thoughts and hearts and prayers are with you guys