
Jedidiah Duggar and Katelyn Nakatsu become first Duggar couple to expect twins

Katelyn Nakatsu surprised look
Katelyn Nakatsu and Jedidiah Duggar will welcome the first twin Duggar grandchildren. Pic credit: @JedKateyDuggar/YouTube

The Duggar family is expanding again — this time, it’s by four feet instead of two.

Many have wondered which Duggar sibling would be the one to welcome twins and whether any would at all.

So far, with over 30 Duggar grandchildren, there have only been single births.

That will change as Jedidiah Duggar and Katelyn Nakatsu reveal they are expecting twin girls.

The couple are already parents to Truett and Nora, born in 2022 and 2023, respectively.

When the babies arrive, Katey will have four under 2.

When is Katelyn Nakatsu due?

There wasn’t a specific due date revealed, but based on when genders are typically available to be confirmed, she is roughly around 14 to 16 weeks.

If we go with the guesstimate based on the ultrasound photos shared in the video by Jedidiah Duggar and Katelyn Nakastu, the twin Duggar girls should arrive this winter.

While it’s unclear when the gender reveal occurred, we assume it was recently.

Katey is likely due sometime between the end of December and mid-January. Also, with twins, sometimes the doctor or midwife will choose to deliver early based on the size of the babies and room in the womb.

She could deliver at 38 weeks or earlier if there are complications. However, even if she makes it to 38 weeks, the due date still falls between our guesses for the girls’ birthday.

Are Jedidiah Duggar and Katelyn Nakatsu’s twin girls identical?

There are three types of twins. The Mo-Mo twins are two babies in one sac that share one placenta. They are the most high-risk of the three. Mo-Di twins are twins in separate sacs but share the same placenta. They are also high risk, but a little less because they have separate growing sacs. Finally, Di-Di are twins who have separate sacs and separate placentas.

Based on the ultrasound photo and what the tech said during Katelyn Nakatsu’s scan, it seems the babies are Di-Di. Baby A is on the bottom and Baby B at the top. However, it is important to note that Di-Di twins can be identical but are most likely fraternal.

It will be interesting to see how much of Katey and Jedidiah Duggar’s journey they share. They have been pretty open about her pregnancies in the past, and with them welcoming the first set of twin Duggar grandchildren, we anticipate it being a huge deal with the family.

Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets is currently streaming on Prime Video.

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