Big Brother alums Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd have a new podcast.
The first episode of Togethermess (the name of their podcast) was released, re-introducing fans to the Big Brother showmance.
For Big Brother fans who watched Jeff and Jordan on the BB11 live feeds, their conversations will transport listeners back to that season.
Midway through many of their conversations, the couple would go on tangents with each other. And that has continued in the real world.
To begin the podcast, Jeff and Jordan said they didn’t intend to be in a showmance while playing the game and they didn’t know what the word meant.
Jordan also spoke about how she was 22 years old and working three jobs when she joined the show. She worked at a hair salon, a bowling alley, and a bar.
How did Jeff and Jordan get on Big Brother?
Jordan said casting producer Bonnie Clark approached her at work one day and asked if she had ever considered being on reality television.
Having not seen Big Brother before, Jordan skipped her first meeting with Bonnie but had her brother join her after Bonnie called back.
Unsure whether Bonnie was legit, Jordan had her brother go with her to the meeting.
Jordan also gives Bonnie credit for meeting Jeff, who she might not have met if she hadn’t been on Big Brother 11.
When Jeff spoke about he got on the show, he echoed that he didn’t know what Big Brother was.
He was an actor and a waiter before he joined the world of reality television.
Jeff said an ex-girlfriend asked him for help to apply for Big Brother. She then suggested that he also try to be on the show.
Jeff came clean about lying to the producers after he was coached to say that he liked Dan Gheesling, who won the previous season.
Below is the first episode of Togethermess, where Jeff and Jordan talk more about joining the show, their showmance in the Big Brother house, and where life has taken them.
More Big Brother news
A new season of Big Brother arrives this summer on CBS.
Big Brother 25 debuts on August 2, with new houseguests playing the game.
A Big Brother anniversary special is also airing soon, with many alums providing interviews. Jeff and Jordan are advertised as two of the former houseguests who took part in the filming.
Jordan is a former winner (BB11), and rumors about an all-winners season have popped up on social media.
When addressing those rumors, one Big Brother winner hinted they might opt out because of how much his life has changed in the years after winning.
Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd first appeared on Big Brother 11. The couple also got invited back to play on Big Brother 13.
BB11 and BB13 are available for streaming on Paramount+.
Big Brother 25 debuts on August 2 on CBS.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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