
Jessa Duggar continues to push YouTube channel, rivals Jinger Duggar for highest net worth

Jessa Duggar in a Counting On confessional.
Jessa Duggar is building her YouTube brand. Pic credit: TLC

Jessa Duggar is pushing her YouTube channel more than ever now. She is keeping busy with tutorials and recipes, trying to grow her brand.

Jinger Duggar has been the sibling with the highest net worth, but it looks like Jessa Duggar may be trying to give her sister a run for her money. Will the YouTube videos and branding pay off for the reality star?

Branching out from Counting On

For now, Counting On is not filming. It appears the show was actively filming before the coronavirus pandemic, but now, everything is suspended.

Counting On has been lucrative for Jessa Duggar. She and Jill Duggar were the two sisters picked to be at the helm when the network had to switch directions. Jessa was the second sister married and has the second-largest family.

YouTube is a fairly new endeavor for Jessa Duggar. She and Ben Seewald had done a little bit with their channel, but recently, the content has increased. Recipes and tutorials are the bulk of what makes up Jessa’s YouTube channel.

A few of the other Duggar family members have gotten YouTube handles, but no one has done nearly as much as Jessa. She is working hard and cross-promoting it all over social media. Is she laying the groundwork for income in the future that she has sole control over? Some followers think that might be the case.

Perfect pictures for promotion

When it comes to marketing, Jessa Duggar has a knack for what will draw her followers in. Sometimes she uses a picture of her kids doing something and other times it is a perfectly-plated meal.

Ivy Jane Seewald has become a fixture on her social media and she draws in the big crowds. Her photobomb on Jessa Duggar’s chili recipe photo garnered plenty of attention, which likely turned into several more visits to the YouTube channel as well.

This could grow into something big for Jessa Duggar. During the quarantine, more people are likely checking out social media and doing things they didn’t have time for before. With a little stepped-up marketing and more traffic to her channel, Jessa could earn a decent amount for doing what she loves.

Will Jessa Duggar pass Jinger Duggar to hold the title for Duggar sibling with the highest net worth?

Counting On is currently on hiatus but is expected to return to TLC later this year.

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