
Jessa Duggar gives pregnancy update, reveals plans for hospital birth

Jessa Duggar in a Counting On confessional.
Jessa Duggar gave followers a pregnancy update Pic credit: TLC

Jessa Duggar just uploaded a pregnancy Q&A, answering some questions that followers have been asking her on various posts she’s shared.

Earlier this year, Jessa revealed she and Ben Seewald were expecting baby number four. They also mentioned that it would be their rainbow baby after the couple experienced a miscarriage at some point last year. Neither made it public, despite several of her sisters and sisters-in-law talking about their own experiences.

Now, the Counting On star is giving a pregnancy update and talking about her plans for the upcoming birth of their newest addition.

Hospital birth planned by Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald

After some of the traumatic home births for Jessa Duggar, the couple has decided to head to the hospital this time. That was also the plan with Ivy Jane, and the couple even talked to Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo about what to expect ahead of the arrival. Unfortunately, though, that didn’t happen. Thankfully, Jill Duggar was there to help her sister as the other family members were out of town when she went into labor.

She did not give a specific week that she is in regarding her pregnancy, but Jessa did confirm she had hit the third trimester. Nesting had kicked in, which means she could be closer to giving birth than anyone even knows. She will likely have the baby at the end of July or the beginning of August, but the exact date is unknown.

Gender reveal and baby name

Even though fans and followers have asked Jessa Duggar about the gender of the baby, she isn’t budging. She and Ben Seewald know what they are having, but they are the only two. They didn’t even share the news with Henry or Spurgeon because they didn’t want the secret getting out. Their compromise was that the boys would be the first to know the gender and name, and they will be the ones to tell the family when their sibling arrives.

This has been the way things worked best for Jessa and Ben. They have this down to a science, and with it being their fourth baby, the siblings are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the newborn.

Fans are also interested to see what the gender will be because if it is another girl, there will be over 10 baby girls born in a row. Kendra Caldwell welcomed Brooklyn back in February, and Anna Duggar revealed she is expecting another little girl earlier this year.

Counting On is currently on hiatus.

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3 years ago

No, we are not inerested in what the gender of the 40 babies she has/will have. This family has proved they are not what they seem to be re Josh Duggar, and should be off the air and off the news.Period.

Georgia Grassman
Georgia Grassman
3 years ago

Just because Josh caused scandal does not mean that the rest of the siblings have to pay for his actions they are not the ones that caused it and some of the grls suffered due to their brother and they have to continue to go on with their lifes! So let them do their show because some people enjoy their show and as long as it does not involve Josh or Jimbob and Michelle then I can’t see why they couldn’t continue with the show They are adults now not children!