Juan Pablo Galavis has long been considered one of the worst leads in The Bachelor history and Clare Crawley got to experience that firsthand. But now that Clare blew up The Bachelorette, some seem to think that it may have been Juan Pablo who dodged that bullet and he seems to agree.
The Bachelorette fans have been very vocal about Clare’s season and how it has already ended as she walked away from all the other guys because she only had eyes for Dale Moss.
The way things played out had all the guys really mad, wondering why they were even there. And The Bachelorette viewers have been frustrated with Clare too because she very clearly wanted Dale from the moment he stepped out of the limo.
It’s not the first time that Juan Pablo Galavis has reacted to Clare’s season, but he’s sharing how he feels again, not by speaking out but by liking the posts of those that he seems to agree with. And one tweet, in particular, makes it clear that Juan Pablo is siding with the guys when it comes to Clare’s very short run as The Bachelorette.
Juan Pablo likes a tweet that takes aim at Clare
One fan went so far as to tweet, “You know Juan..we all thought she dodged a bullet with you but I think you dodged a bullet with her.”

The tweet only had 16 likes, but among them was Juan Pablo Galavis’ stamp of approval.

Who really dodged that bullet?
One of the most famous scenes from The Bachelor was the time when Clare Crawley told Juan Pablo off, telling him that she’d never want her kids to have a father like him.
When Clare made it to the final two, hoping for a proposal from Juan Pablo only to have her storm off, many fans have said over the years that Clare dodged a bullet.
Now, some Bachelor Nation fans, and even Juan Pablo himself, seem to think that he was the one to catch a lucky break.
Either way, Clare found exactly what she wanted in Dale Moss and he seems pretty smitten as well.
So, in the end, it looks like she won whether we got to see a full season of the Clare and Dale show on The Bachelorette or this abbreviated version.
The Bachelorette airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on ABC.