
Lisa Vanderpump says RHOBH silence on Erika Jayne legal drama is ‘unbelievable’

Erika Jayne is facing some serious legal issues and Lisa Vanderpump wants to know why the RHOBH cast has been silent. PIc credit: Bravo

One of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills alumi finally speaks out about the Ericka Jayne controversy, and of course, it’s Lisa Vanderpump.

By now, everyone has heard of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ controversy over Erika Girardi and her lawyer-husband Tom. Anyone within a ten-foot radius of this franchise has had an opinion about the heinous things they’re accused of and the collective stomach-churning has encouraged a lot of the fanbase to voice their opinion on the matter.

However prolific the reaction is, not everyone feels emboldened to speak up. There is a glaring silence from almost everyone inside the Bravo-verse itself. Aside from Andy Cohen’s brief comments on his radio show, there hasn’t been much of an outcry or reaction, one way or the other. That is until Lisa Vanderpump took to Twitter to reply to a tweet that compares a past situation of hers to Erika’s current predicament.

Lisa Vanderpump Uses Twitter to react to Erika Jayne scandal

Twitter user, @serabbi tweeted a sentiment that has been on a lot of fans’ minds: “Where’s the outrage????” about Erika’s possible involvement in the crimes of her husband. This tweet compares Vanderpump’s three season-long puppy-gate arc to the much worse crimes of stealing from “orphans and widows,” as Dorit puts it in the trailer for this season.

The tweet goes on to call out the other housewives by name, saying, “Kyle, Rinna, Dorit, Teddi have vilified Lisa Vanderpump for something she DID NOT DO for 3 yrs by going on talk shows, podcasts, interviews, RHOBH.” This user also takes exception with the way the entire cast has been almost completely silent about anything surrounding the Girardi case.

The tweeter makes the point, “but when it comes to Erika stealing/withholding funds from victims, spending it on glamor, they’re SILENT!!!” and is really giving voice to disbelief that fans of the franchise and network have been saying since the news broke. It seems very strange that none of the cast has given so much of an online side-eye to the situation despite how outspoken and opinionated they’ve been in the past.

Lisa Vanderpump shares the the incredulity and replied to the tweet simply saying, “It’s unbelievable really.”

Lisa Vanderpump is among the very few Bravo-lebrities speaking out

The tweet has been polarizing for sure. Some users suggest the situations are far from similar since Erika’s involves illegal behavior, while some say the RHOBH cast should be ashamed for staying silent. All in all, Lisa Vanderpump’s weighing in has been among the few Bravo-lebrities to even offer an opinion.

This wasn’t the first time LVP weighed in on the controversy. She appeared on Andy Cohen’s late-night talk show, Watch What Happens Live, in March and made it clear she sympathized with the victims over everything else. She didn’t have much to say about the divorce itself but focused her answer on the ones suffering at home watching.

Aside from the brief comment from Andy and tweet from LVP, there has been very little reaction to the scandal from her costars. Perhaps Bravo is trying to keep a tight lid on its talent to boost ratings, or maybe it’s just so gross no one wants to come near it. Either way, it will be fascinating to watch it play out over this season of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on Bravo.

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Tammie S.
Tammie S.
3 years ago

BRAVO and Andy are very quick to jump on a ban wagon if it will make them money. The fact that they will not comment or take a stance for what is right should tell people they don’t care about what’s right. They don’t care about the people who were hurt and taken advantage of if it’s going to cost them money. I guess their morals stop at the bank. In fact, it was Andy who said he doesn’t give the facts much weight because of the people who presented it in the documentary. I guess the victims don’t count Andy? The only way you as a society can say enough is enough is to turn off BRAVO and What Happens Live with Andy Cohn. Maybe the money that has been made off of RHOBH should be given to the victims. On the reunions they made such a big deal about just tell the truth that’s what they need to move forward. So ladies how come no one is talking about this or asking questions? What’s the matter Lisa and Kyle the cat got your tongue? Kyle you say you have to speak up when something is not right so what happened here? I guess we know how far that goes now. If it’s not going to make you money or make you look good you don’t care or it’s not important. The real question is do we as a society want to model these ladies behavior or teach them the difference between right and wrong? What’s the difference between what they have done and the people standing on the cornor. Obviously they will do anything for a buck and nothing or no one is off limits.